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Babcock & Jenkins

How to EnterCompany: Babcock & Jenkins
Company Description: Our passion is to deliver authentic, unique, relevant stories on behalf of our clients. To build brand, drive demand and accelerate pipeline. To engage audiences in meaningful conversations to form and preserve lasting, profitable relationships.
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Achievement Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Outbound Marketing Program of the Year

Nomination Title: CenturyLink Targeted Accounts Program

Tell the story about your organization's outbound marketing program since the beginning of July 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

CenturyLink needed to expand their marketshare by connecting with senior
technology executives at top-tier companies. Many of the targeted companies are
in markets where CenturyLink has little or no brand recognition. The audience is
difficult to connect with. Skeptical, no-nonsense, discerning and busy. And
about the last thing they have time for is a marketing message. The
executive-level decision-makers CenturyLink needs to reach are not going to give
them the time of day unless they break through with something that not only
grabs their attention, but also delivers information that is relevant, unique
and valuable. Collaborating closely with both sales and marketing teams at
CenturyLink, we developed a pilot campaign designed to 1) Drive engagement with
targeted prospects, and 2) Deliver qualified leads that result in sales meetings.
The CenturyLink TAP dimensional mailer broke through the clutter with the
impressive blueprint-size customized network diagrams their sales engineers were
developing to help close contracts. This not only would show—specifically—how
CenturyLink can address a prospect’s unique network challenges, but also how
committed CenturyLink is to providing great, personalized service. This would
come in the form of a targeted accounts campaign — multiple coordinated touches
via multiple channels, with highly customized and relevant content for each
target company.

The strategy was to make every interaction personal and truly relevant. Each
prospect receives a high-end architectural tube in the mail with a customized
network map showing what CenturyLink would do to connect their specific
locations and improve network efficiency. A hand-written sticky note on the map
directs to a personalized microsite, accessed via a personalized URL, where they
(or someone they delegate) can drill down into a 40-page recommendation specific
to their company. The site features a welcome video from CenturyLink’s CTO. The
site also enables prospects to see who their Account Manager is and directly
contact them. Tracking enables passive profiling, giving sales insight into the
prospect’s interaction with the site. A sales alert notifies reps when their
target responds to the site. For non-responders, a series of coordinated DM, EM
and phone touches reminds them to go online and view their proposal.
• Engagement: 63% of the targeted accounts (19 of 53) started a dialogue with
• Pipeline: 26% of targets (11 of 53) have converted, meaning they’re funneling
revenue into the pipeline.
• ROI: a whopping 8: 1.
• Sales and Marketing Happiness: “This is the best marketing program I’ve seen
in my 15 years in this business.” — CenturyLink sales rep (Yes, it’s a nice
quote but more importantly it shows that Sales has bought into the marketing
strategy 100%. And that is critical to making a targeted accounts campaign
successful.) We are currently rolling it out to targeted accounts in other
regions and with select partners. We also are planning to scale the program to a
larger number of accounts and extend it to customers for cross-sell and up-sell
opportunities. Finally, we are testing and fine-tuning the campaign with new
tactics and touches.

List hyperlinks to any online work samples, videos, images, news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

DMA Article:
Cindy Humphrey of CenturyLink Awarded 2011 DMA B-to-B Marketer of the Year

BMA Article:
Cindy Humphrey awarded 2011 DMA B-to-B Marketer of the Year

BtoB Article:
DMA 2011: Gilt Groupe wins DMA marketer of the year

Lauren On Demand Article:
B2B Marketing Rock Star Hits the Spotlight

Babcock & Jenkins Article:
Double Dipping: DMA B2B Marketer of the Year

DMA Marketer of the Year 2011 video:

Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed and implemented the nominated marketing program:

Cindy Humphrey has elevated her peers by leading her team toward a
demand-centric marketing model.

Over the past 18 months – a significant portion of her marketing spend has
shifted away from telemarketing and TV advertising to direct-response-focused

Overall, she’s developed a path (with the right people, partners and processes)
for strategic, coordinated and effective marketing activities that connect with
buyers, deliver relevant messages and move them through the sales cycle.
In particular, Cindy initiated and directed a highly innovative and successful
Targeted Accounts marketing campaign. This campaign has directly contributed to
over $20M in pipeline revenue.