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Monitronics International

Company: Monitronics International, Dallas, TX
Company Description: Monitronics provides residential security and business customers with the best two-way voice, digital monitoring, and technical services in the industry. With dependable security solutions, exceptional service and a national network of independent authorized dealers, our goal is to protect what matters most to our customers.
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Achievement Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Inbound Marketing Program of the Year

Nomination Title: Monitronics International's Inbound Marketing Program

Tell the story about your organization's inbound marketing program since the beginning of July 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

Monitronics’ marketing focuses on the recruitment of new independent alarm
dealers into its dealer program, utilizing a mix of direct mail, email and
tradeshow events to accomplish the goal to generate leads and ultimately
support sales in signing new alarm dealers. The particular entry focuses on a
successful direct mail campaign.

The introduction of a premium, direct mail campaign has boosted brand
awareness and most importantly resulted in new, viable leads for the sales
team. The 'completion mailer' approach launched with focus on a highly
qualified leads list, based on certain criteria, i.e. sales volume, and
received a premium helicopter mailer which included the following:
>mailer contained in large box with Call to action bumper sticker to pique
>tri-fold, large square brochure maximized messaging "JOIN FORCES"
>remote control helicopter, branded with comany logo
>missing remote control to the helicopter; replaced with card to call

The eight-hundred-number automatically routed to appropriate sales manager,
expediting the process to get lead accurate information- quickly. Each sales
representative qualifies lead type, dictating necessary lead follow up for
marketing. Based upon this campaign, this signifies to marketing whether lead
is viable and should be sent the actual remote to helicopter as a follow up.
A personalized thank you note from the sales representative is also included.

This direct mail campaign has increased phone traffic and increased leads to
the sales team, giving sales the opportunity to educate more alarm dealers and
sell joining the Monitronics dealer program.

Specific accomplishments include:
Mailers sent: 180; Response rate: 52.2%.
Average response rate for past direct mail/email was around 10% or less.
Particular campaign results are well above direct mail industry average as
well as our own average results.

The program launched in July 2011; the process to sign an alarm dealer is
lengthy so results are still pending as to dealers that have actually signed
as related to this campaign effort.

List hyperlinks to any online work samples, videos, images, news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:


Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed and implemented the nominated marketing program:

Renee Mallonee; Marketing Manager with four and half years of experience,
successfully rebranded the Monitronics dealer brand to more effectively reach
its target and bring new appeal. Through a marketing mix of direct mail,
tradeshows and advertising she has continued to increase ROI in marketing

Stacie Shidler; Brand Specialist has over one year experience in implementing
creative. Her skills have brought Monitronics' marketing ideas to life.
Morgan Dobias; Marketing Coordinator; new to the team, and an expert in
logistics, implements elements seamlessly and applies these skills to bring
success to Monitronics marketing.