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SASCS11 How to Enter Bug


Company: salesforce.com, San Francisco, CA
Entry Submitted by: The OutCast Agency
Company Description: Salesforce.com is the enterprise cloud computing company. Based on salesforce.com’s real-time, multitenant architecture, the company’s platform and CRM applications have revolutionized the way companies collaborate and communicate with their customers.
Nomination Category: New Product & Service Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Contact Center Solution – New Version

Nomination Title: Salesforce.com Service Cloud

    Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

The Service Cloud, launched in September 2009, is the next generation solution
for customer service from salesforce.com. It brings together leading cloud
computing platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and traditional contact
center channels like phone, email and chat to capture customer conversations and
leverage community experts in the cloud. It enables companies to deliver their
expertise to customers, agents and partners regardless of location or device,
ensuring that their quality of customer service is consistent across all

With social media, keeping customers satisfied means connecting with them
everywhere they turn for service, whether that is phone, email, Twitter or
Facebook. Service Cloud connects customer service reps to all channels and
offers customers the ability to find answers no matter the method they use.

The Service Cloud includes powerful knowledge base capabilities. It provides a
simple way for companies to deliver personalized knowledge to their customers
based on specific attributes, but companies also get the full benefits of
salesforce.com’s cloud platform and infrastructure including unlimited real-time
customization, granular security, and real-time workflow. Plus, they get the
trust and freedom that go along with salesforce.com’s disaster recovery, proven
reliability, and real-time upgrades. The Service Cloud has the world’s first
enterprise-grade knowledge base built on a true multitenant cloud platform.

The Service Cloud’s knowledge base leverages not only the knowledge of a
company’s own internal resources, but also relevant customer conversations from
popular social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Whether it is on the
web, a community forum, Facebook or Twitter, companies can add relevant
knowledge articles to their knowledge base with Service Cloud no matter where
they come from. This allows for more informed customer service agents,
delivering the right answer quickly, a consistent service experience for
customers regardless of where they go to get answers and a real-time
understanding for companies of their customer’s needs.

This year Service Cloud gained the amazing benefits of real-time collaboration
with the launch of Salesforce Chatter. The Service Cloud with Chatter allows
greater collaboration in call centers through discussions around published
articles in the knowledge base, creating natural version control and ensuring
the most up-to-date information is accessible to agents. Now customer support
teams can collaborate on published knowledge articles in real-time to improve
their accuracy and relevance. Agents can get an article’s history, contribute
their own comments, and see input from their colleagues. These updates all show
up in the news feed so that every agent in the call center is aware of the
updates in real-time.

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:


09.08.09 – Mashable, Salesforce for Twitter Launches

09.08.09 – TechCrunch, Everything You Need To Know About Salesforce’s Service
Cloud 2


09.09.09 – Forbes.com, Salesforce.com's Service-as-a-Service

09.09.09 – ZDNet, Salesforce rolling out a beefier Service Cloud

06.08.10 – TMCnet, Q&A With Salesforce.com on Social CRM

06.11.10 – SearchCRM.com, South Africa Tourism ramps up call center, social CRM
for World Cup



Additional Product Materials

Press Releases
Service Cloud 2 Launch: http://www.salesforce.com/company/news-press/press-releases/2009/09/0909...  
Service Cloud demo via YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpVRaDdtO8U

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:

Alex Dayon is Executive Vice President of CRM at Salesforce.com. He is
responsible for driving the product vision of the Sales Cloud and Service Cloud
as well as leading the sales and marketing execution. Alex joined Salesforce.com
in September 2008 through the acquisition of InStranet.

Prior to Salesforce.com, Alex was a Founder and CEO of InStranet, a leading
Knowledge Base Application, acquired by Salesforce.com in September of 2008.
Prior to InStranet, Alex was an officer at Business Objects SA where he ran the
product group for more than 10 years. Alex holds a master’s degree in electrical