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Bulldog Solutions, Inc.


SASCS11 How to Enter Bug

Company: Bulldog Solutions, Inc., Austin, TX
Company Description: Bulldog Solutions is an online marketing agency that changes the way BtoB companies define demand generation strategy, engage prospects and convert leads to customers. We power demand generation and demand management programs for many of the best business brands in the world.
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Achievement Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Demand Generation Program of the Year

Nomination Title: Virtual Conference “Change the Game” for Motorola

    Tell the story about your organization's demand generation program since the beginning of July last year (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Function: Mobile Advantage 2010: Change the Game is a virtual conference
(a “trade show” offered solely as an online experience) produced by Motorola
Enterprise Solutions on October 6, 2010 and offered subsequently in an “on-
demand” capacity. The opt-in conference featured thought leaders from Motorola
and in-depth looks at devices, applications and technologies being developed
by Motorola for mobile enterprise applications including field service, field
sales, retail, healthcare, utilities, manufacturing and
transportation/distribution. It was designed to re-enforce Motorola’s
leadership in the space, strengthen partner relationships and generate sales

        Benefits: Mobile Advantage 2010 was a unique use of the virtual conference
platform. Virtual conferences are often produced by a publication or trade
group, with individual sponsors across a range of solutions providing “booths”
and information and receiving lead data in return.

        In this case, however, Motorola and its demand-generation agency Bulldog
Solutions used the event to showcase Motorola’s own expertise and cutting-edge
products, including the recently introduced ES400 Enterprise Digital
Assistant. This gave Motorola partners a chance to understand the Motorola
Enterprise Solutions group “big picture” as well as dig deeper into specific
areas by visiting specific booths and downloading briefings and other
information. Using the virtual conference platform, Motorola was able to
collect data on registrants’ interests and behavior—data that will drive
targeted programs post-event.

        Features: The conference featured 10 booths, covering vertical practice areas
as well as specific solutions. Four Webinars and four “scheduled chats” were
offered throughout the day, highlighted by featured speaker, former NFL Head
Coach Brian Billick. Original videos were used to draw attention to key
issues. In order to generate activity, the Motorola team created a series of
sweepstakes with the NFL, offering prize levels based on depth of
participation and engagement in the event.

        Results: Motorola far exceeded its original registration goal, securing 1,761
registrants (the goal was 1,500). Subsequent to the live viewing, the
conference remains online in an “on-demand” capacity, where it is expected to
generate additional registrants. (Given the sales cycle and the recent nature
of the event close to this entry deadline, it would not be expected that any
significant sales would yet be attributed.) The level of engagement and
quality of the leads, combined with a targeted follow-up plan, bodes well for
opportunity creation from the event.

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

        Event Web Site
Event Description Details
ES400 Release   

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the nominated sales organization:

        Lauren McQuade, Director of Industry Marketing, Motorola
Colleen Wilson, Director of Vertical Marketing, Motorola