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Sales Partnerships, Inc., Broomfield, Colorado, United States: SPI, Sales Outsourcing's Gold Standard

Company: Sales Partnerships, Inc., Broomfield, CO
Company Description: Sales Partnerships, Inc. is the premier direct sales outsourcing company in the world, offering branded representation that delivers rapid revenue lift for the most influential B2B firms in the world. Whether it's brand activation, customer acquisition, or retention, SPI is the leader in providing scalable and proven solutions to the Fortune 500.
Nomination Category: Solution Provider Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Sales Outsourcing Provider of the Year
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: SPI - Sales Outsourcing's Gold Standard
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2021 of the nominated organization, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below.

    Our nomination is a written submission including attachments.

    Sales Partnerships’ nomination for Sales Outsourcing Provider of the Year highlights work representing clients over the past year in telecommunications and finance. The two industries detailed represent where we competed directly with client internal sales teams, external client sales channels, client competitors, and client competitor external sales channels. This broad environment provides an opportunity to contrast our performance to other industry options.

    We are a domestic field sales outsourcing specialist - creating and growing jobs within the US rather than off-shoring. Unlike the call center model, SPI focuses on handling deals cradle to grave with an emphasis on direct revenue creation (as opposed to lead generation which is best classified as business development outsourcing.) Our teams are recruited for and dedicated to individual clients based on client program requirements. Because Sales Outsourcing means dedicated cradle-to-grave sales under the brand of an individual client, SPI’s work is also differentiated from value added resellers in that each of our teams focus just on that clients’ products and services closing deals on the clients’ paper with the client owning the customer relationship long term.

    With this preface, we appreciate being considered for this award and appreciate your time in judging us. Thank you.

  3. Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 163 words used.

    Sales Partnerships is a 9-time prior Stevie winner in the Sales Outsourcing Provider category and 8-time overall winner in the top Field Sales Categories. We represent the brands of some of the largest and most respected companies in the world ranging from Google to Dow Chemical. Our work ranges from sales in technology to finance to heavy industry for both B2B and B2C.

    Our hallmark is using and inventing systems and processes that optimize all the important areas impacting sales: recruiting, diversity, technology, training, management, analytics, and strategy. These drive the dedicated teams we build and manage for each client.

    Our work has been recognized in national media (Selling Power, Sales and Marketing Management Magazine, Inc. Magazine, CNNMoney, etc.), and helped establish the standard for providing field-based sales outsourcing services. Since 1997, we have generated more than $10B in gross profits for our clients. SPI historically has operated in every significant MSA in the United States as well as in select markets globally.

  4. Outline the organization's achievements since July 1 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 240 words used.

    SPI led our field in outsourced sales. Demonstrating this, we present the following two case studies showing our capabilities and head-to-head performance.

    Telecommunications Sales

    Representing Ting Internet, we were asked to go into two strategically important markets (Greater Raleigh and South Denver.) This was to be done against the industry’s largest ISPs: Centurylink, Xfinity, AT&T/Spectrum, and Verizon. Our teams led the industry in ROI and overall performance.

    Head-to-head, we outperformed competing channels by more than 50% and grew our client from 5% market share to 55% (almost twice target) - achieving it despite facing off against Fortune 500 incumbents and competitors.

    Finance Sales

    In 2023, we successfully finished an eight-year project during which we worked more than 4 million merchants face to face. This was the second largest SMB field sales campaign by any company in US history (behind only AT&T’s deregulated telecommunications sales work.) SPI’s engagements generated more than $100M in gross profit revenue for this client in 2023 alone. This was done while maintaining a 99.9996% customer satisfaction rate.

    Head-to-head, we outperformed all competing channels. Competing telesales channels came in at 1/12th SPI’s performance for the same person-hours worked (and a far worse COA.) Against other field channels, we came in 30% higher than the next channel with 1/20th the complaint rates. Most impressively, 60% of our target list was exclusively opportunities that had told other channels no in the last 24 months that we successfully converted.

  5. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 106 words used.

    The following attachments and links are included to support our nomination:

    ●         Case studies detailing the field work performed for the nomination (one for finance and one for telecommunications)

    ●         “SPI Gives” summary document describing the volunteering efforts referenced in the nomination (helped both with retention and deepening community engagement)

    ●         Documentation on SPI’s Territory Management Suite referenced in the nomination

    ●         Documentation on SPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Work

    ●         Documentation on SPI’s Recruiting Methodology

    ●         Link to the SPI homepage for more information about our organization

    Thank you again for your time and consideration for Sales Partnerships for the Top Sales Outsourcing Provider in America.

  6. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 249 words used.

    Head-to-head against competing channels we out-performed our peers by 50% in telecommunications and by more than 30% in finance. We did it while keeping a 95% 12-month customer retention rate (compared with 70%/85% industry average) and with a 0.0004% complaint rate (with zero complaints unresolved to the customer’s satisfaction) (industry average complaint rate is 2.5%.)

    Telecommunications sales saw SPI unseating Fortune 500 incumbents.

    Finance sales saw  SPI succesfully complete the second largest SMB field sales program in US History.

    Success Keys:


    Our SPRecruit methodology uses detailed metrics to assess talent and identify the training paths to make representatives more successful.


    Our flipped classroom model to speed ramp time for new hires. We not only hit pre-Covid ramp times, we improved them by 20%.


    Our integrated territory management solution improved rep contact rate with prospects by more than 20% compared to other commercial solutions.

    Field Management

    Data identifying trends and likely challenges gathered from AI-based field tools better equipped our managers to deliver better field training results. This is combined with leveraging creative street level problem solving.


    79.7% of all field sales representatives are white (2022 Department of Labor stats.) SPI benefits from our DE&I work to have our teams better mirror the areas they work. At 58% white representatives, that makes SPI an almost exact mirror of the US populace and twice as diverse as the industry averages. The more diverse workforce engages better with their territories and delivers better overall results.

SPI - Sales Outsourcing's Gold Standard