Company: DHL Express Vietnam Company Description: With 77,000 employees, 4,000 facilities, over 40,000 service points, DHL Express serve 2.6 million customers and transport 294 million shipments in 2013 among more than 220 countries and territories, operate the most comprehensive global express network. Nomination Category: Customer Service & Call Center Awards Achievement Categories Nomination Sub Category: Customer Service Employer of the Year
Nomination Title: Employer of Choice
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the nominated achievement since July 1, 2021, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below.
- Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 169 words used.
DHL Express Vietnam's Customer Service Department is comprised of 54 individuals from various roles and levels, working collaboratively to create exceptional service quality that reinforces customer loyalty. Our approach is aligned with DHL's focus strategy, which comprises four pillars starting with Motivated People. We strive to be the number one Employer of Choice for a diverse global workforce by demonstrating leadership behaviors and listening attentively to our colleagues while acting on feedback received from yearly Employee Opinion Surveys (EOS).
Over the past few decades, the Customer Service Department has consistently placed our people first in all aspects of its curriculum. We have fostered a highly committed and motivated team that is proactive in both working and team engagement.
As a result of these efforts towards prioritizing employee satisfaction, we have maintained great CS retention rates as well as excellent EOS results contributing significantly towards DHL Express' recognition as an outstanding workplace - including Best Place To Work For awards, Top Employer Of The Year awards and Best Work Places.
- Outline the nominated achievement since July 1 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 250 words used.
Motivated people brought out consistent and extraordinary performance despite challenges and changes. The average performance from Jul21–Aug23 exceeds all targets:
- 96% call answered within 10 seconds vs target_90%
- 0.5% call abandoned after 10 seconds vs target_1.5%
- 86% trace resolved within 3 days vs target_70%
- 100% claims resolved within 10 days vs target_80%
- 100% complaints resolved within 5 days vs target_75%
- 99% customers called back on time vs target_90%
- 100% network responded On-time vs target_75%
- Upselling: 88.6% vs 3 years average target_61%
- 100% Complaints raised to Top Management Team are responded to within 2 hours.
- Operational efficiency: average 42.8 vs APeC_36.7 and is top 5 among APeC countries.
Engaged employees deliver customer satisfaction. ICCC tracker is 79, 4 points ahead of competitors, 74.7% customers rated satisfied(9-10); only 1.8% were dissatisfied. 36 customers gave official compliments via DHL channels. MSP Score average is 95.5%, 28.5% ahead of competitors.
Happy employees stay longer and provide valuable feedback. Our team tenure average is 6.4 years and 20% have been with us for over a decade. Our turnover rate is at 14%, much lower than the industry average of 35-40%. Our 2022 CS Employee Opinion Survey shows active leadership and employee engagement at 99%. DHL Express was recognized as Top 1 Great Place to Work in Vietnam for 6 consecutive years, No.1 World's Best Workplace 2021, 2022. Best Workplaces in Asia 2022, No.1 Vietnam's Best Workplace 2022, 2023, and Top Employer 2022, 2023
- Explain why the achievement you have highlighted is unique or significant. If possible compare the achievement to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 250 words used.
We focus on providing our employees with a safe working environment, and an inspiring working culture. To achieve this, we execute consistent detailed actions. We provide the necessary tools, resources, and support to enhance their performance.
We have fully integrated systems such as GCCU, GEMA, Sherloc, CSV, which streamline work processes and reduce manual tasks. We created work processes and instructions to provide clear guidelines and reduce confusion, such as GSOP and NTP.
Our training system Certified International Specialist(CIS) provides classroom and online training for job expertise and leadership. YTDAug2023 we conducted 40 courses approximately 1009 hours for all levels, conducted 9 initiatives, deployed 6 RPA to improve efficiency, 112 programs to strengthen knowledge and skills. By Aug223, we completed 11 activities out of 15 engaging activities, increased 36% vs 2022.
We promote open communication where all voice is equally respected. We aim to attract and retain the best talent through the career development process and recognize the best people, we had 18 promotions from Jul2021 to Aug2023. There are 120 recognitions to 40 employees: 54 EOM, 18 EOQ, 1 CS EOY, 1 Company EOY, 8 Long Service Awards, and 20 Star awards.
As a result, we have been recognized as a Great Place to Work® - Certified, the highest score of 97/100 in all years. We are Top #1 among 25 companies named in the 2023 Vietnam Best Workplaces™. 2022 EOS is significantly improved, employee engagement improving 5 points (94 to 99), and leadership improving from 95 to 99.
- Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 189 words used.
- CSV: This web enabled CS order booking and query application
- GEMA: GEMA provides users a full end to end view and support for all track and trace requirements.
- Sherloc: web based application that supports proactive service incident management by proactively tracking and alerting users on shipment incidents to facilitate prompt notification to customers on shipment delivery progress / issues.
- GCCU: a telephony system could vary from a hardphone (i.e. a physical phone on the table) to a softphone (i.e. a graphic user interface that performs the exact function of a hardphone).
- Insanely Customer Centric Culture (ICCC) Tracker: 3rd party survey – gauging customers’ opinion of DHL vs. competitors
- Operational Efficiency (CS Productivity) is the total CS Volume/Activities per working day per CS Staff
- Through Net Promoter Approach Program, we contact customers who have had an interaction with CS touch points on the previous day. From this, we use their critical feedback to make improvements, adjust processes, and drive customer loyalty.
- Our Mystery Shopper Program (MSP) is an independent Quality Assessment program conducted every month to access CSA’s in terms of K-P-H and compliance to process
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