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Optum, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States: Omni Outreach Data Management and Administration Team (ODMA)

Company: Optum, Eden Prairie, MN
Company Description: Optum is a health services and innovation company whose mission is to help people live healthier lives and to help make the health system better for everyone. At Optum, we design every experience by leveraging the voice of our customers and implement channel solutions which enhance and streamline the customer experience.
Nomination Category: Customer Service & Call Center Awards Team Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Back-Office Customer Service Team of the Year - Other Service Industries
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Omni Outreach Data Management and Administration Team (ODMA)
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2021 of the nominated team, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below.


  3. Briefly describe the nominated team: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 200 words used.

    The Optum Omni Data Management and Administration (ODMA) Team consisted of 7 Business Analysts in 2018 working to align an acquired business’ Avaya automated outreach systems with Optum Standards. At that time, system efficiencies were discovered to be lacking, requiring major overhauls to outreach campaign structures and messaging, and hardware and software upgrades. ODMA examined each outreach and began working with businesses to not only restructure the system, but to determine true needs for automated outreach, resulting in a reduction in the number of campaigns running to accomplish the goal. By 2019, the Avaya system was outreaching to Members in a consistent, flawless manner, with all aspects working together to improve meaningful Member connectivity without fail, lag or issue due to the efforts of this team.

    In 2020, Omni (Genesys) was introduced as the future platform for all Optum automated outreaches. This Structured Query Language (SQL) based system, although unknown to the ODMA Team, was the system that all Avaya Outreach campaigns and processes would migrate to. The ODMA Team (consisting of business analysts not data analysts) began self-study to learn SQL to be able to support businesses within this new system, creating data load and support processes for it. 

  4. Outline the team's achievements since July 1 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 249 words used.

    In early 2021, the first of many migrations occurred from Avaya to Omni for automated outreach. Go live for the first 21 campaign migrations involved the ODMA Team educating businesses on newly employed manual ticketing and change processes. By mid-2021, SQL scribing tools were created to reduce errors with manual changes to the Omni system code to isolate client groups, call timing and other criteria required for outreaches to suit business needs. These were then retired because of introduction of automation by ODMA to eliminate errors and request lag times altogether, illustrating the team’s ability to identify and close opportunity gaps as they were discovered. By early 2022, another 42 campaigns migrated to Omni presenting new data challenges that required ODMA identification and intervention to resolve from a data perspective. This resulted in the recovery of $1.5M in outreach connectivity revenue for businesses who were impacted. In Q2, 2022, ODMA completed Omni courses on Optimization features and employed them against larger campaigns which resulted in improved Member connectivity, agent productivity and revenue.

    By Q3, 2022, another 133 campaigns had migrated from legacy systems to Omni. Of these, 82 campaigns required as many as 400 daily settings changes to accommodate the movement of over 70 agents with licensure limitations from one specific campaign to another. This was also solutioned for by the ODMA team as they researched and employed the Dynamic Campaign Reassignment Omni feature to automate agent movements, saving significant FTE and idle time revenue in the process.

  5. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 250 words used.

    Automation Implementation FTE Savings Value Story – The ODMA Team of Business Analysts (not Data Analysts) was tasked with learning and applying SQL code to the Omni system to meet business outreach priority needs. Multiple and increasingly challenging requests made automation necessary to ensure businesses were executing outreaches according to their needs in a timely fashion. This document explains the steps taken and benefits received with automating and streamlining SQL processes.

    Dynamic Campaign Reassignment Value Story – With the migration of 81 Cancer Support campaigns to the Omni system came the challenge of meeting the needs of Licensed Agents who specialized in engaging Members in specific states. These campaigns are client and state specific and had to be manually managed to progress multiple agents from one campaign to another on their priority list. This resulted in over 400 changes per day for more than 70 agents. ODMA researched Omni capabilities and discovered that Dynamic Campaign Reassignment could be leveraged to automate this agent movement and eliminate manual reassignment efforts.

    Optimizations Value Story - ODMA researched, identified, and leveraged Campaign Optimization options within Omni to improve Member connectivity during automated outreach. Working with Platform and business partners to ensure agent capacity, record volumes and outreach mode were compatible, these optimizations were applied to larger volume and agent occupancy campaigns to improve not only connectivity but revenue generation. This document provides more detail.

    Other supporting documents include details of opportunities and accomplishments along with direct accolades ODMA has received since July 2021.

  6. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the team's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 250 words used.

    Without previous training in SQL logic or experience with coding, the ODMA Team took on responsibility for Omni, the new SQL based automated outreach system. The reasoning stemmed from ensuring parity for businesses who were accustomed to effective and refined outreach solutioning for contacting and engaging their populations, while maintaining revenue generated from successful Member connects. Ensuring a seamless experience for Members, Businesses, and Agents alike is of paramount importance during any migration as continuity of business is vital to effecting meaningful change in our members lives. With business relationships already forged via legacy outreaches, the ODMA Team advanced, discovering, and innovating along the way, guiding businesses from legacy outreach systems to Omni while supporting their goals. This continuity in care for their business partners has remained steadfast despite challenges and issues that sometimes arise.

    ODMA singularly accepted responsibility for ensuring ticketing and communications paths for outreach change requests, identifying and correcting outreach data loading and issues resolution, discovering, and leveraging outreach enhancement tools to improve performance and created SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to assist businesses with outreach decision making. As of 2023, the ODMA Team manages and supports outreach processes that account for anywhere from $200 to $1,300 per successful connect, supporting over $160M in revenue, via successful outreach.

    With each challenge and request the ODMA team encounters, knowledge is retained and channeled for future application and solutioning, making this team a critical part of automated outreach, Member engagement and business success stories and, consequently, revenue generation.

Omni Outreach Data Management and Administration Team (ODMA)
PPTX Automation_Implementation_FTE_savings_092022___ODMA.pptx
DOCX Cathy_Accolades_2021___Present.docx
PPTX Dynamic_Campaign_Reassignment_Value_Story___ODMA.pptx
DOCX Jeff_Accolades_2021___Present.docx
PPTX ODMA_Accomplishments_Story_08_2023.pptx
PPTX Optimizations_Value_Story_102022___ODMA.pptx
DOCX Robin_Accolades_2021___Present.docx
DOCX Tru_Accolades_2022___Present.docx