Company: Lenzing AG, Lenzing, 4860, Oberösterreich Nomination Submitted by: Lenzing AG Company Description: Die Lenzing-Gruppe ist ein weltweit agierendes Unternehmen, das aus dem Rohstoff Holz Fasern herstellt. Diese Fasern sind Ausgangsmaterial für eine Vielzahl von Textil- und Vliesstoff-Anwendungen, kommen aber auch in technischen Anwendungen sowie in Schutz- und Arbeitskleidung zum Einsatz. Namensgeber ist die oberösterreichische Marktgemeinde Lenzing, in der das Unternehmen seinen Sitz hat. Nomination Category: Kategorien im Bereich Kundenservice Awards Nomination Sub Category: Führungskraft des Jahres im Bereich Kundenservice
Nomination Title: Sandra Hotz
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- Beschreiben Sie kurz die nominierte Person: ihren Hintergrund und ihre bisherige Leistung (bis zu 200 Wörter):
Total 200 words used.
Sandra Hotz (33 years) joined Lenzing in Aug 2019 as Order to Cash process expert with 8 years experience in SAP and organisational development projects. In Oct. 2020 a big reorganisation took place and Sandra took over the responsbility to form and head a centralized global customer service (GCS) team with approx. 40 team members all over the world in production as well as trading entitites who were reporting to many different functions in the commercial area beforehand and did not collaborate on any topics globally. Sandra created an entirely new leadership structure mirroring Customer Service Team Leads for all Commercial Regions (5 Leads).
The biggest achievement since this reorganization are that we have built a truly global team spirit with collaborating and supporting each other daily no matter in which entity or country a colleague is working. The team has seen that improvement ideas are more than valued and realized and therefore the motivation to collaborate and steer improvements has increased tremendously resulting in a long list of improvments which could already be realized & further spur the motivation.
Sandra truly values her team members and motivates them by helping them to have success stories & increase their competencies.
- Beschreiben Sie die Leistungen der nominierten Person seit dem 1. Juli 2020, auf die Sie die Jury aufmerksam machen möchten (bis zu 250 Wörter):
Total 202 words used.
- Successful implementation of a new organisational set-up including role definitions & values: feedback from the team is extremely well as structure is very clear and their opinions are highly valued and they always receive support if they face any problems.
- Highly successful, global and motivated team comprised of a service center for Europe (sites in Austria (3x), UK), US, China, Thailand, Indonesia as well as trading entities in Shanghai and Hong Kong
- Implementation of Key User concept which allows team members to develop their competencies and activley work on making an impact on the current system & process landscape worldwide
- Highly motivated team who proactivly works in multi-cultural teams on improving the daily operations (e.g. each employee has a yearly target of establishing at least 1 improvement for the whole GCS team)
- Introduction of many exceptional improvements in daily operations together with the team which resulted again in high motivation of the team & increased efficiency in all areas
- the GCS team always gets many internal applications when a job offer is posted as also internally the team has gained a very positive reputation (good team spirit, lot of improvements, lof ot possibilities to develop)
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Total 74 words used.
We see many teams that are not really acting as a team and where we often hear people complain about various topics related to the organisation, collaboration and performance of a team.
Bringing 40 individuals with different backgrounds & cultures to perform as one truly global team supporting each other daily and working hard on improving the daily operations as well as their personal competencies is the result of Sandra's efforts since the reorganisation.
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Total 19 words used.
In the attachment you find all the details to the topics mentioned above giving detailed insights on the achievements.
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