Company: DHL Freight, Global Head Office, Bonn, NRW Nomination Submitted by: DHL Freight GmbH Company Description: DHL Freight is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, one of the world's leading logistics companies. With a network of more than 200 freight terminals, our team of 13,000 Freight experts make us a global leader within the road- and rail-freight industry as well as in global customs clearance services. Whether Europe, North Africa or the US - we live up to our promise: Excellence. Simply delivered. Nomination Category: Besondere Unternehmensleistungen Nomination Sub Category: Besondere Leistungen im Bereich Personalwesen
Nomination Title: DHL Freight - Foreign Exchange Program for Junior Talents
- Beschreiben Sie kurz die nominierte Organisation: ihre Geschichte und ihre bisherige Leistung (bis zu 200 Wörter):
Total 135 words used.
DHL Freight is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, one of the world's leading logistics companies. With a network of more than 200 freight terminals in Europe and worldwide, our team of 13,000 Freight experts make us a global leader within the road- and rail-freight industry as well as in global customs clearance services. Whether Europe, North Africa or the US - we offer our services worldwide. DHL Freight - that is:
- A huge network of over 200 road freight terminals, with more than 13,000 passionate employees
- ...with one Global Head Office in Bonn, Germany
- offer the best solutions and services to our customers worldwide
- Beschreiben Sie die Leistungen der Organisation seit dem 1. Juli 2020, die Sie der Jury vorstellen möchten (bis zu 250 Wörter):
Total 226 words used.
What the "Foreign Exchange Program for Junior Talents" is all about:
To improve our company-based training and strengthen our employer brand, we encourage and enable young talents to spend time abroad. Young colleagues with outstanding potential are given the opportunity to work at our DHL Global Forwarding and Freight locations in other European countries to broaden their horizons, gain new perspectives and personally develop their skills, work, and life (!) experiences.
During a stay abroad, our young talents acquire and develop soft skills that serve their personal development and are also in high demand at DHL: The emphasis is on intercultural competence and tolerance, independence and the ability to self-organize and adapt to new situations and environments.
The program provides the following Top 4 Benefits - both relevant for the Junior Talents as well as the company:
- Position DHL Freight as an "Employer of Choice"
- Develop "high-demand" soft-skills (e.g. multi-cultural awareness, language skills, personal adaptability, etc.)
- Trigger cross-country collaboration & foster mutual understanding between DHL Freight's country organizations
- Incentivize top talents and increase loyalty
Since its launch in 2021, the exchanges included locations like Örebro (Sweden), Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Solna (Sweden). Based on its great success and positive feedbacks from all parties involved, the program is planned to be extended to even more locations and countries in 2023 (e.g. Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Romania, Ireland).
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Total 176 words used.
Part of the program is a variety of training and support offers that we provide to the participating Junior Talents, e.g.:
Language support prior to deployment [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION]
Intercultural training [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION]
Immigration & relocation support [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION]
Sponsorship in the receiving unit
Moreover, one of the key driveres of the program's overall success was our goal to create win-win-situations for all parties involved, specifically...
- For Junior Talents: Widen the horizon by spending time abroad: Seizing the opportunity to learn from other areas of freight logistics (even cross-BU). Develop key skills, gather experiences and position oneself as “Top Talent”
- For the hosting entitiy: Valuable support on current projects from motivated talent and the chance to get fresh input
- For the sending entity: The high potentials return with valuable experience that they can use profitably in their home department
- For DHL Freight overall: On top of being „Employer of Choice“, the Freight country organizations grow stronger together and create lasting connections for sustainable exchange
- Optional: Verweisen Sie auf alle Anhänge mit Zusatzmaterialien in dieser Nominierung und erklären Sie, wie diese Ihre Aussagen, die Sie in der Beantwortung der vorangegangenen Fragen getroffen haben, unterstützen (bis zu 250 Wörter).
Total 228 words used.
The attached video gives a vivid impression of both our company and the spirit within our "Junior Talent Exchange" program. Eventually, this is also backed up by the testimonals collected below:
- I was surprised by my dear colleagues (who, by the way, have grown very fond of me) with a cake at the end. It's nice to get feedback like that. At this point, a big "thank you" to the HR team in Bonn and a "stor tack" to the Sustainability Team in Stockholm for the warm welcome and the trust placed in me. - Participant
- I would like to thank you for the opportunity to host an intern in Ostrava, HQ DHL Freight CZ. Our intern was very helpful and a great support for our team. The internship was also helpful and useful for our department. I would be very happy to welcome a new intern in my department. - Host
- I was lucky to be assigned to a very open and friendly branch. I think this is also particularly important for such a secondment, because in the first few days everything is foreign - including the work with its processes. My contact person on site did a very good job and was available to me with his team for all kinds of questions. I can only recommend this branch with this team in particular. - Participant
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