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Delinea, München, Bayern, Deutschland: Delinea Secret Server

Company: Delinea
Nomination Submitted by: Weissenbach Public Relations
Company Description: Delinea ist ein führender Anbieter von Privileged Access Management (PAM)-Lösungen, die eine nahtlose Sicherheit für moderne, hybride Unternehmen ermöglichen. Unsere Lösungen versetzen Unternehmen in die Lage, kritische Daten, Geräte, Codes und Cloud-Infrastrukturen zu sichern, um Risiken zu reduzieren, Compliance zu gewährleisten und die Sicherheit zu vereinfachen.
Nomination Category: Kategorie für Neue Produkte und Produktmanagement Awards
Nomination Sub Category: Business Technology Solution - Identity & Access-Sicherheitslösungen
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Delinea Secret Server
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    November 2022

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    Total 330 words used.

    With Delinea Secret Server, organizations benefit from a ready-to-use, easy-to-use and scalable enterprise solution that empowers security and IT operations teams to secure and manage all types of privileged accounts.

    Market Need – Modern and intelligent Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions must support various requirements, from protecting privileged account credentials to enforcing least privilege. Secret Server is a fully featured PAM solution that protects privileged access credentials and mission-critical assets with military-grade security. It empowers security and IT ops teams to improve their security posture, minimize complexity, and improve enterprise-scale usability across your privileged account attack surface.

    According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022 the average total cost of a data breach is $4.35 Million. With 83% of organizations experiencing more than one breach, every day a PAM system is not in place increases the risk and potential liability. Secret Server is designed to get users up and running fast with solutions for privileged account discovery, turnkey installation and out-of-the-box auditing and reporting tools. 

    How Secret Server Addresses – Secret Server enables teams to easily discover, secure, control, manage, and audit privileged accounts across the entire organization. Additional capabilities include automation of complex tasks for administrators and DevOps teams, automated password rotation for layered security, robust integration options to ensure a seamless fit into each organization’s environment, Heartbeat to ensure credential integrity, and out-of-the-box templates to get up and running efficiently with scalability and security perfectly aligned to provide value quickly.

    Secret Server is easy to implement and use, enabling rapid adoption. IT gives security and IT ops teams the agility and flexibility to secure and manage all types of privileges, protecting administrator, service, application, and root accounts from cyberattacks. The solution works the way organizations do, starting with rapid deployment and offering businesses the ability to customize and scale as they grow. IT doesn’t require dedicated resources to perform administrative tasks making it easy for IT and security teams to control and adjust seamlessly.

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    Total 286 words used.

    Business Values: By automatically identifying privileged access and ensuring full transparency of all privileged sessions, IT teams are disburdened. This saves them time, resources & money.

    USP: Secret Server offers the fastest time to value of any major PAM solution and delivers the most scalable enterprise-class solutions, with the lowest FTE and Professional services requirements.

    Evaluation by leading Analysts

    • Delinea was named a leader in 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management for the fourth consecutive time. 

    • KuppingerCole Leadership Compass 2021: In addition to the stable security, the KuppingerCole analysts recommend the Secret Server because of its "competitive pricing, quick deployment and short ROI".

    Product Review by leading publication IT-Administrator:

    Im Test: Delinea Secret Server 11 Professional Edition

    Customer Case Study: Beazley – Compliance is an important issue for Beazley. It must adhere to auditing requirements in its home country of Ireland as well as to compliance standards around the world including the GDPR, Lloyd’s market standard, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the Monetary Authority of Singapore and New York State cyber requirements.

    “We had to go back and trawl through the logs manually and it took months,” said Carl Broadley, Beazley’s Head of IT Security and Technology Risk. Using Secret Server, his team shaved three months off preparing for each audit and eliminated costs for additional consultants. “When the auditors came back this year, they gave us high marks. Nice green checks make my boss very happy,” Carl added.

    Beazley has rolled out Secret Server to business users who are accessing sensitive data. As Beazley grows and adopts new privileged accounts and IT systems, Secret Server scales to support it.

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    Total 55 words used.

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Delinea Secret Server