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Allianz SE & ICUnet.AG - Besondere Leistungen im Bereich Human Resources

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2022, Click to Enter The 2023 German Stevie® Awards

Company:  Allianz SE & ICUnet.AG, München & Passau, Bayern
Company Description:  The Allianz Group is one of the world's leading insurers and asset managers with more than 100 million private and corporate customers in more than 70 countries. ICUnet.Group advises companies and accompanies people and teams on their professional mission worldwide. Allianz SE & ICUnet.Group have jointly created a digital eco-system for the employee group Expatriates.
Nomination Category:  Besondere Unternehmensleistungen
Nomination Sub Category:  Besondere Leistungen im Bereich Human Resources

Nomination Title: GoGlobal - The Global Mobility Software. Individual. Integrated. International.

Releasedatum des neuen Produktes oder der neuen Dienstleistung bzw. Releasedatum der neuen Version : 2021

Employee expatriations are stressful, cost and time-consuming. The global mobility department of Allianz was on the search for solution of this pain points. Together with ICUnet.Group, Allianz built an ecosystem of digital platforms with an employee portal at the core: GoGlobal. We designed this portal and the related ecosystem with a greenfield approach to reinvent the whole global assignment experience for the assignees as well as for HR. Our tactics were:

Simplicity - Reduce process (80+ process steps) and interface (90+ interfaces) complexity through digital ecosystem.
Efficiency - Save costs by optimizing global mobility operations and bundling services. Global Mobility shall take on a strategic driver role.
Quality - Increase process quality with transparent, automated tracking and reporting. Resilience of process quality is not random.

The solution

The GoGlobal is an online platform with an associated mobile app to which all internal and external stakeholders have access. The GoGlobal is linked to various other platforms via API interfaces and is thus able to exchange information, documents and data automatically and directly. The workflows save time, money and headcounts by automating manual activities. Users are guided through the platform with a consistent, unique user experience: HR functions gain capacity and tools to transparently track and manage in real time; assignees (expats/designees) are closely guided on the stressful journey to focus on their real tasks: successful integration in the destination country and an immediate start in their new tasks.

The key benefits of GoGlobal in a nutshell:

EX - Employee Experience
GoGlobal creates an exceptional experience (through UI, UX and workflows) for assignees and their families, resulting in stress-free, friction-less departures and returns.
Quality - Process Quality
GoGlobal ensures the highest process quality and minimizes escalations through proven, digital workflows.
Transparency and Compliance
All process steps can be easily initiated, tracked and flexibly reported. All Data and Information are securely transferred within the ecosystem (e.g. to tax provider).
Flexibility and adaptability
GoGlobal is an ecosystem to connect stakeholders, systems and add features to the software based on the employee‘s needs. Customer-centricity is key.

In the first six months of 2021, assignee satisfaction (most recent measuring point) has improved tremendously based on measured data. Thanks to GoGlobal, the NPS (Net Promoter Score) has increased by 25% compared to the previous year. Thus, overall NPS (combined for all services) improved significantly (from 45.7 in 2020 to 57.4 in 2021).

Furthermore, clarity of roles & responsibilities improved along the entire assignment journey. Increased quality of documents was also noted at all contact points in the survey.

And what do our customers say about the GoGlobal? Here are some feedbacks from assignees:

  • “Simplified communication and more transparency on process steps are big improvements.”
  • “Platform is easy to use and very helpful for finding the relevant documents.”
  • “It’s great to have everything in one place, especially the documents and contacts, and to have full transparency on the end-to-end assignment journey.”
  • “Very user-friendly platform”

We have created an explanatory video about our GoGlobal ecosystem especially for the German Stevie Awards application. The essential factors for the development, functionality and benefits of GoGlobal are explained in it. The attached PDF file "220117_German_Stevie_Awards_2022_SMALL_FINAL" summarises the essential areas of GoGlobal. Supplementary you will find a link to the GoGlobal login page. The link to ICUnet.Group's Innovation Hub serves to showcase the company's innovative strength.

GoGlobal – Video: Titel: Video “GoGlobal - The Global Mobility Software by Allianz & ICUnet”

GoGlobal – PPT

GoGlobal – Login page

ICUnet.Group - Innovation Hub