Company: Stress Free Super Mum Company Description: Katrina Wurm, founder of Stress Free Super Mum, an award-winning empowerment coaching program, supports women who expected one thing and got another. Her lived experience of losing seven children and eventually giving birth to a son with several health issues and a challenging life journey, created a passion for helping mothers facing the same journey who lose themselves in the process. Nomination Category: Thought Leadership Categories Nomination Sub Category: Female Thought Leader of the Year - Consumer Services
Nomination Title: Katrina Wurm - Executive Coach: Advocating for womens self determination
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2022 of the nominated woman, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below:
- Briefly describe the nominated individual: history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 196 words used.
Katrina first started working in the disability sector in 1993 fundraising and advocating for the Spastic Society of Victoria (now SCOPE), and volunteering for the RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) becoming an RDA Instructor.
When her son was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and no bowel function as well as a neurodiversity in 2012, she threw herself into studying everything so she could fully support him.
Knowing she had to help others, and at the request of the school principal, she started coaching mothers of neurodiverse children in 2017.
Stress Free Super Mum was born in 2020 and she’s been helping mothers advocate for their children and to get their head, house and homes in order ever since.
Her unique approach, blending psychology, counselling, business, human resources management and industrial relations, provides practical guidance and a fresh approach focused on positive outcomes for women in all walks of life.
An advocate for women in the community and the corporate world, Katrina is growing her reach and creating a bigger impact by actively supporting neurodivergent women to achieve better work-life balance.
Her thought leadership empowers working mothers, corporate women, and community leaders, creating a happier, more fulfilled workforce.
- Outline the nominee's thought leadership achievements since July 1 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 245 words used.
Executive coach Katrina Wurm, and her Stress Free Super Mum platform have been internationally recognised with multiple awards for the innovative approach to managing motherhood.
From humble beginnings, Katrina now coaches women from all walks of life, not only those dealing with the lengthy and exhausting journey of raising special needs children.
As a result, her coaching business has grown each year by at least 15%, and Katrina's work has helped women gain the confidence, knowledge and insight to advocate for themselves and their children, leading to a better quality of life for the entire family.
Sales of Katrina's best-selling book “WEAR YOUR WARRIOR” have increased by 25% and she is booking 10% more speaking events each year, recently presenting her innovative approach at the 100 Speakers Summit.
Katrina is now adding to her programs, reaching into rural and remote regions as well as advocating for neurodiverse women in the community and corporate world.
Having trained thousands of flight attendants and pilots in disability awareness and inclusion, Katrina is spearheading change as an elected board member of the Qantas Diversity and Inclusion Committee, assisting in championing the nation's leading airline to adopt and recognise the Sunflower Lanyard Initiative for Hidden Disabilities.
Her thought leadership in inclusion and diversity is actively supporting women in advocating for themselves in their workplaces and for their children in school and at home and ensuring they have strategies and tools to help them be self-confident and have happier, harmonious lives.
- Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominee's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 249 words used.
Primary carers of Australian children with a disability are mostly mothers (85%) with one in three (33%) reporting moderate to high psychological stress and one in four (25%) reporting poor physical health. 53% need more support and have a high degree of unmet needs. It’s particularly challenging for women to prioritise their health and well-being.
Motherhood is daunting and many wonder how to shoulder the majority of the childcare and housework, while being encouraged to return to the workforce as quickly as possible. Not surprisingly, 40% of women with pre-schoolers report they feel tired, worn out or exhausted from meeting the needs of their children.
Add to this any requirement to care for a neurodiverse child, or with medical conditions, and the road to a stress-free life is paved with frustration, anger, pain and self-doubt.
Womens work has been essential to keep families alive through all kinds of historical crises; however, the stress involved with caring for children at home is exacerbated by the cost of living crisis and financial strain.
Depleted mother syndrome: the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, depersonalisation, and lack of fulfilment caused by intense childcare demands is on the rise and this is where Katrina's innovative mentoring, coaching and programs come to the fore.
Feelings of guilt, worry, frustration, and sadness are common and Katrina's work is having a massive positive impact that ripples from each family into the community and workplace, supporting women to lead confident, stressless lives with happy, healthy homes.
- Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 160 words used.
Women are told every day they can do, be and have everything. Yet no one explains how to achieve this unicorn of having it all. Women are constantly juggling time, energy, and finances and parents of neurodivergent kids also experience social isolation due to a lack of understanding or support from friends, family, or their community.
Katrina Wurm and her innovative, world-leading programs, coaching and guidance, equip women with strategies and skills to achieve empowerment through organisation.
Katrina empowers mothers to learn how to delegate and teach their children the important foundational skills needed to be capable adults, helping them understand the importance of teaching their children age-appropriate chores and to stop martyring themselves to motherhood.
Her lifelong work as an advocate for inclusion is now impacting a wider audience including championing initiatives for rural and remote communities and Australia's leading airline, Qantas.
You can see more of her unique approach, achievements, impact and recognition in the attached support document.
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