Company: Stress Free Super Mum Company Description: Katrina Wurm, founder of Stress Free Super Mum, an award-winning empowerment coaching program, supports women who expected one thing and got another. Her lived experience of losing seven children and eventually giving birth to a son with several health issues and a challenging life journey, created a passion for helping mothers facing the same journey who lose themselves in the process. Nomination Category: Individual Awards Categories Nomination Sub Category: Mentor or Coach of the Year – Consumer
Nomination Title: Katrina Wurm, Executive Coach - Mentoring Working Mothers To Manage A Stressless Life
- Briefly describe the nominated individual: history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 197 words used.
With a neurodivergent son who also suffered from numerous medical conditions requiring multiple surgeries and treatments Katrina tapped into her experience training teams of airline staff how to deal with stressful situations, applying practical actions that made her homelife manageable. The tangible results of her efforts created outstanding well-being for her and her family.
Knowing she had to help others, and at the request of the school principal, she started coaching mothers of neurodiverse children in 2017. Her coaching program, Stress Free Super Mum, established during the pandemic to assist Mothers working from home trying to do it all, work, home school, and run the household has now become an internationally recognised, award-winning program.
She’s been helping mothers advocate for their children and to get their head, house and homes for almost 6 years, using her background in psychology, counselling, business, human resources management and industrial relations, as a solid platform to provide practical guidance focused on positive outcomes for all families.
Originally focused on helping those caring for children with health issues, Katrina now coaches mothers from all walks of life, not only those dealing with the lengthy and exhausting journey of raising special needs children.
- Outline the nominee's achievements since July 1 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 242 words used.
Katrinas coaching business has grown each year by at least 15%, helping mothers to gain confidence, knowledge and insight, leading to a better quality of life for women and their families, as evidenced by client outcomes:
“I now feel more confident because of the great tools Katrina has given me to realise my potential and listen to my own heart and desires to achieve what I want to do and invest my time in positive lifestyles. I feel more confident in my convictions and know that I too have a voice that deserves to be heard. These tools I will always be truly grateful for.”
Sales of Katrina's best-selling book “WEAR YOUR WARRIOR” have increased by 25% and she is booking 10% more seminars and talks each year.
A multiple international award-winning coach, Katrina is now adding to her programs with the new Mastering Mumlife one-on-one Coaching program and is reaching into rural and remote regions, speaking at libraries and running workshops in areas where little support is currently offered.
She is also Advocating for women in the community and in the corporate world while spearheading the change in facilitating diversity and inclusion models with an International Legacy airline.
She is growing her reach and creating a bigger impact by actively supporting women to advocate for themselves in their workplaces to access different work accommodations to better achieve work-life balance and recently presented her innovative approach at the 100 Speakers Summit.
- Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 169 words used.
Women are told every day they can do, be and have everything. Yet no one explains how to achieve this unicorn of having it all. For most women, the daily juggle of work, family, and community is all-consuming. Leaving little time for self-care as many women fall into bed at night exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed.
Katrina Wurm and her innovative, world-leading Stress Free Super Mum programs, coaching and guidance, equip mothers with strategies and skills to achieve empowerment through organisation.
Katrina empowers clients to learn how to delegate and teach their children the important foundational skills needed to be capable adults, helping them understand the importance of teaching their children age-appropriate chores and to stop martyring themselves to motherhood.
Her lifelong work as an advocate for inclusion is now impacting a wider audience including championing initiatives for rural and remote communities and Australia's leading airline, Qantas.
You can read testimonials and case studies of the results and outcomes she is achieving for her clients in the attached support document.
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2022 of the nominated woman, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below:
- Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominee's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 236 words used.
Motherhood is a daunting prospect for most, who wonder how they are going to shoulder the majority of the childcare and housework, while at the same time being encouraged to return to the workforce as quickly as possible. Not surprisingly, 40% of women with pre-schoolers report they feel tired, worn out or exhausted from meeting the needs of their children.
Add to this any requirement to care for a neurodiverse child, or with medical conditions requiring surgeries and treatments, and the road to a stress free life is paved with frustration, anger, pain and self-doubt.
The work of mothers has been essential to keep families alive through all kinds of historical crises; however, the pandemic highlighted the stress involved with caring for children at home and is exacerbated by the cost of living crisis and financial strain now being endured.
There is an increase in cases of depleted mother syndrome: the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, depersonalisation, and lack of fulfilment caused by intense childcare demands. Burnout is the result of too much stress and a lack of resources for coping with it and this is where Katrina's innovative mentoring, coaching and programs come to the fore.
Feelings of guilt, worry, frustration, and sadness are common and Katrina's work is having a massive positive impact that ripples from each family into the community, supporting mothers to lead confident, stressless lives with happy, healthy homes.
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