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Mitchell Personnel Solutions

2011 SAWIB WinnerCompany: Mitchell Personnel Solutions, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Company Description: MPS is a highly awarded Australian company founded in 2006 and employs women in a number of roles, including all senior positions. During the 5 1/2 years of business operation MPS as a company, and Trace as an individual have won an amazing 18 awards, testament to the relationship the management team have with members of staff. Trace changed the focus from security to recruitment in 2010
Nomination Category: Individual Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Asian Entrepreneur

Nomination Title: Trace Mitchell, President

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated entrepreneur during the eligibility period (up to 500 words):

Trace Mitchell commenced Mitchell Personnel Solutions (MPS) in 2006 with her business partner Karen Bradley. During the past 12 months Trace has taken the initiative and has re-invented MPS to enable it to compete in a changing market. MPS had a large marketshare in the security vetting industry within Australia, until 1st October 2010 when the Australian Government implemented changes which meant all clearances would be conducted and coordinated through one Government Agency, in effect reducing the amount of clients from 18 to 1. To ensure survival of the company and the longer term success, Trace has worked effectively with her team to change direction of the company, commencing a Recruitment arm, bolstering the Training Company and building an on-line shopping centre. For her innovation Trace became (in 2010) a State Finalist for Telstra Business Woman of Australia and National Finalist for Entreprenear, Small Business Champion. Her company, MPS was awarded the National Small Business Champion (Business Services) for 2010. Trace also saw a requirememt for an innovative On-Line Awareness Simulator which can be utilised in all industries for any form of awareness training, including security, OH&S and client services. She worked with industry to bring her innovation to fruition and 'invented' Scequence. This was patented in NZ late 2010 with an Australian and USA Patent Pending. This simulator can be manipulated to work within any Industry, from the Mining sector, Financial Sector, Business Sector and Government Sector.

Trace has now commenced a Diploma in the Travel Industry to enable her to undertake a further transition within the business world. Her love of Golf, Travel and Canberra have given her inspiration to commence a Travel Tour Company, something she will continue to enjoy after she has handed the reigns of her current Company (MPS) to the new CEO in February 2012 as part of her succession planning. MPS has been awarded 18 different awards since commencing in 2006, all attributed to the drive and dedication to succeed, not at all costs, but to the benefit of all clients, of its President. Trace in particular takes a special interest in the welfare of her team, ensuring her innovation is not all about how to succeed in business, but how to build a winning team of inspired employees. She had done this through bringing innovation into the workplace, including paid maternity leave, allowing those returning from maternity leave to bring their new babies to the workplace for six months, encouraging family orientated days and having "me" days when an employee just wants a day off for no reason other than they are tired or feeling precious. All these innovations have ensured Trace has a dedicated team to support her and the company. Without Trace at the helm of MPS, through all the difficult times with changing Government policies, MPS would not have flourished. As it is, with her Entrepreneurial tendencies and her innovative thinking, MPS will continue to grow, thrive and flourish into the future.

List the URLs (web addresses) of any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that you would like the judges to see that support your entry. IMPORTANT: List each URL on a separate line, begin each URL with http://, and enclose each URL in square brackets. For example, []:


Provide a brief biography of the nominated entrepreneur (up to 100 words):

Trace worked in Government for a period of 15 years after raising her young family. On leaving Government she initially worked as a Consultant until she established Mitchell Personnel Solutions in 2006 and has been highly awarded since this time. She has been a finalist for a number of Entrepreneur of the Year Awards including Telstra Business Woman of the Year in 2010. Trace has an innovative flair that enables her to take an idea and turn it into success. This has been demonstrated during the many changes she has made to MPS since its inception.