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Friends of the Global Fund Africa

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2013 Steve Awards for Women in Business

Company: Friends of the Global Fund Africa
Company Description: Friend Africa is a pan-African advocacy organization which fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through four workstreams: advocacy and fundraising, documentation, capacity building, and technical assistance provision. Friends Africa focuses its advocacy effort on Africa’s governments, private sector and civil society to galvanize their support in the fight
Nomination Category: Company/Organization Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Organization of the Year – Government or Non-Profit– 10 or Less Employees

Nomination Title: Friends Africa

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated organization since the beginning of July last year (up to 500 words):

Dr Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba the founder and CEO of Friends Africa has made great accomplishments in the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa. Some of these achievements from July 2011 till date include;

1)Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SME) Workplace Policies Workshop in Africa. Under her leadership Friends Africa encouraged a private sector partner to organize a capacity building workshop for SMEs, sensitizing them about the impact of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on their businesses. The workshop has provided the SMEs with the necessary tools to develop Workplace Policies on ATM and how to effectively manage them in the workplace. Friends Africa has trained over 2400 SMEs in Africa and In 2010, Friends Africa trained 250 SMEs in Nigeria. The SME Workplace policies development workshop has helped participating organizations to learn skills on how to effectively manage the impact of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the workplace.

2)Friends Africa in partnership with the Africa Forum of Former Heads of States and Government hosted a high level lunch during the African Union Heads of State Summit 2012 to advocate for increased funding from African governments for the attainment of MDGs 4, 5, and 6 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To date this campaign has raised USD31million from Africa government for the fight against ATM.

3)Friends Africa partnered with the International AIDS Society (organisers of the International AIDS Conference) to host two high level sessions titled “What the Global Fund Means to Africans: Africa’s Need of a Fully Funded Global Fund” and Gift from Africa - “Investing Africa’s Wealth for Africa’s Health: Engaging the African Private Sector in the Fight Against AIDS in Africa” in Washington DC, USA. In addition, two publications were launched during the sessions; 3rd edition of “What the Global Fund Means to Africans” and the 2nd edition of “Innovative Practices in the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria”. These publications highlight the successful Global Fund programs in Africa.

4)Friends Africa has been in partnership with Population Action International for the past four years, advocating for Reproductive Health/ HIV Integration in Africa. The first phase of the project mobilised $560 million for the Global Fund round 8 and 9 for seven African countries. The current phase of the project is The Integration Partnership which has been instrumental in the advocating for RH/HIV Integration in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zambia. This funding is crucial in providing women and their partners with life-saving reproductive health and HIV services. Women are able to access both reproductive health and HIV/AIDS services at one point of care in so doing maximizing limited resources.

5)Dr. Akudo Ikemba exceptional leadership and voice in the fight against the three pandemics was recognized by the World Economic Forum where she was selected for the 2012 Young Global Leaders Award. Selection was made from thousands of candidates from 59 countries. This Award highlights her commitment and impact both within and outside Africa.

Provide a brief biography of the person or persons who lead the nominated company (up to 100 words):

Dr. Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba MD, MPH, is the CEO and Founder of Friends of the Global Fund Africa. She has 12 years’ experience in Public Health and International Development, including HIV/AIDS research, Public Health policy, technical assistance provision, program management, capacity building and advocacy.

In 2006, she founded Friends of the Global Fund Africa (Friends Africa) as a non-governmental organisation to advocate and mobilise resources in the fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria in Africa.
Dr. Ikemba has an excellent track record of working with and galvanizing senior leadership in both African and international governments, civil society and private sector.

The CEO (or other principal manager) of this company is a woman, and at least 40% of the management team is comprised of women.