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Dubai Police General Headquarters, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2014 American Business Awards

Company: Dubai Police General Headquarters, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Entry Submitted By: General Department of Total Quality
Company Description: Dubai Police is a modern police establishment with a force of more than 15 000 employees with high level of specialties & competence. Its mission is to improve the quality of life in the UAE, by operating in accordance with the constitutional rights to enforce the law & maintain security & safety of the community. It is chaired by UAE Vice President & Ruler of Dubai, HH Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum
Nomination Category: Individual Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Female Executive of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa

Nomination Title: Jawaher Al-Ali, Head of Research, Studies & Consultation Section

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated executive since the beginning of July last year (up to 525 words):

Ms. Jawaher Al-Ali held many executive positions since working at Dubai Police. Since 2009, her thrive for continuous development enabled her to hold her current position as the Head of Research, Studies & Consultation Section at 6 Sigma Centre for Continuous Improvement & Development. She is a certified expert in performance management (Attachment 4), member of Emirates Association for Strategic Planning, & former member of Emirates Association for Intellectual Property. Due to her high level of professionalism & excellence, Major General/ Dr. Abdul-Quddus AlObaidli, assistant commander in Chief of Dubai Police for Quality & Excellence entrusted her to supervise the visits & relations between General Department of Total Quality & government institutions at the local, regional & international level.

Moreover, her exceptional ability in public relations made her win a positive reputation among several bodies, where different government institutions recognized her efforts. For example, she received a Certificate of Appreciation from Department of Tourism Development, Ajman Police HQ, & Ministry of Social Affairs (Attachment 7). She contributed to the establishment of 6 Sigma Center for Continuous Improvement & Development, which is one of the leading centers in Dubai. She contributed as a member to establish the Research Excellence in Policing Competition (Attachment 3) which aims to improve the level of scientific research & studies, where she has a role in forming the Methodology of conducting researches & studies. The initiative contributed to improve the performance of staff at Dubai Police & Ministry of Interior, where many researches were implemented, such as, in 2013, the project ‘Assessment of Security Negotiation’s Role In Security Crises’ resulted in the development of ‘Security Negotiation Team’ in the United Arab Emirates.

Ms. Jawaher always seeks to achieve excellence in her section, department, & beyond. She is a member in several committees, such as: 1) International Symposium of Best Police Practices (Attachment 9), which is one of the most important conferences in benchmarking in policing at the international level, 2) Customer Satisfaction Rate in Dubai Police, 3) Secret Shopper Program, which achieved a quantum leap in the performance of Dubai Police General Headquarters in providing services, 4) Institutional support for Ministry of Social Affairs, which contributed to the improvement & development of the ministry’s profile in its participation in Khalifa Award for Government Performance. 5) A member in Marketing & Public Relations Committee for the 8th International Symposium of Best Police Practices. 7) A member in Woman Committee of Total Quality Department.

She contributed to the establishment of several projects, such as: 1) Dubai Police (901) Call Center (Attachment 10) to respond to public inquiries & provide services to them 24/7, which effectively contributed in raising customer satisfaction of Dubai Police, mitigated the pressure on the emergency phone number (999) & responded to all non-emergency inquiries & procedures., 2) Unified Communication System at Dubai Police, where the latest technology is used for smart communication. (Attachment 6).

She obtained many awards, such as, 3rd place winner at Dubai Government Excellence Award, & two 1st class decorations for her contribution to the wining of Dubai Police the 1st place during Dubai Government Excellence Award in 2013 & 3rd place in 2012 (Attachment 5).

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Provide a brief biography of the nominated executive (up to 125 words):

Ms. Jawaher Al-Ali held many executive positions while working at Dubai Police. Her thrive for continuous development enabled her to hold her current position as the Head of Research, Studies & Consultation Section at 6 Sigma Center. She is a certified expert in performance management, a member of Emirates Association for Strategic Planning. She obtained many awards, such as, 3rd place winner at Dubai Government Excellence Award, Medal of Career Excellence, & two 1st class decorations for her contribution to the wining of Dubai Police the 1st place during Dubai Government Excellence Award in 2013 & 3rd place in 2012 (Attachment 5). She obtained the title of Distinguished Employee at General Department of Total Quality twice in a row in 2014 (Attachment 8 + 13).