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Career Woman, Inc.

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2013 Steve Awards for Women in Business

Company: Career Woman, Inc., Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Entry Submitted By: Revolution PR
Company Description: Career Woman, Inc. is a Seattle-based career coaching and consulting agency founded by top women’s career expert, Lisa Quast, certified career coach, mentor and award-winning author. Founded in 2005, Career Woman, Inc. is a top choice for women who strive to grow professionally, maximize their job potential, develop a new career path or need a business consultant to help develop their company.
Nomination Category: Media Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Blog of the Year

Nomination Title: The Career Woman, Inc. Blog

When was this blog first published? February 2007

Briefly describe the purpose of the nominated web blog and its impact and results to date (up to 100 words):

Career Woman, Inc. founder Lisa Quast’s blog is committed to offering unique and timely insight on topics and problems that are relevant to everyday businesswomen. With thoughtful and engaging entries, interviews with successful career women from around the world and real examples of her own experiences as a corporate executive, Lisa lends women useful advice to achieve their professional goals. As a result of the success from her blog, Lisa has solidified herself as a top women’s career expert. She’s become a regular contributor to Forbes and is frequently sought out by national publications for her workplace wisdom.

List the names and titles of the people who are involved in creating and maintaining the nominated blog:

Writer: Lisa Quast, Founder and CEO, Career Woman Inc.
Programmer: Christine Estrada, Project 9 Creative
Creative Director: Aaron Hilst, Revolution PR