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Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2014 American Business Awards

Company: Enterprise Community Partners, Columbia, MD, USA
Entry Submitted By: Group Gordon
Company Description: Enterprise creates and advocates for affordable homes in thriving communities linked to jobs, good schools, health care and transportation. We lend funds, finance development and manage and build affordable housing, while shaping new strategies, solutions and policy. Over more than 30 years, Enterprise has created nearly 320,000 homes, invested $16 billion and touched millions of lives.
Nomination Category: Company/Organization Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Organization of the Year – Government or Non-Profit– More Then 10 Employees

Nomination Title:Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated organization since the beginning of July last year (up to 525 words):

The leading national nonprofit affordable housing and community development organization, Enterprise Community Partners and its family of companies build opportunity by creating and advocating for affordable homes in thriving communities linked to good schools, jobs, transit and healthcare. Since 1982, Enterprise has created 340,000 homes, invested $18.6 billion and touched millions of lives.

Enterprise’s generational goal is to end housing insecurity in America. That means no more homelessness, no more families paying more than half of their income on housing and no more disconnection from opportunity. Nearly 19 million low-income families are housing insecure.

Since July 2014, has Enterprise deployed $3.3 billion; launched an innovative public awareness campaign to raise America’s growing housing insecurity crisis on the national agenda; introduced a major update to its national criteria to promote green affordable housing and residents’ health; and helped secure federal legislative victories to protect and strengthen affordable housing nationwide.

In May, Enterprise launched Make Room, a national, multi-year initiative to raise public awareness of America’s housing insecurity crisis, placing the issue squarely in the national spotlight by inviting top musical artists—including Grammy nominee Carly Rae Jepsen—to perform “living room concerts” for low-income families on the first of every month when rent is due. Already the campaign has generated more than 1,000 news stories in outlets including the Associated Press, the New York Times, USA TODAY and NBC’s Today show.

Building on more than 10 years of leadership in green affordable housing, Enterprise released in April the 2015 Enterprise Green Communities Criteria, the first national standard for affordable housing developers to extend the economic, health and environmental benefits of green building without compromising affordability. Working with partners, including the American Heart Association, Enterprise aims to make the Criteria the required baseline for all affordable housing nationwide.

Low-income communities experience disproportionately high rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and mental health issues. Developments that meet the Criteria improve resident health and well-being through new “Active Design” requirements including simple measures like improving stairwell visibility that promote healthy living; reduced exposure to pollutants; and increased connectivity to services, walkable neighborhoods and good lighting. Criteria benefits also extend to communities, supporting local services, activating neighborhood streets, improving water quality and reducing the impact of storm-water run-off on sewer systems.

Enterprise also co-chairs the national A Call to Invest in our Neighborhoods (ACTION) coalition of more than 1,000 businesses and organizations dedicated to strengthening the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, which is potentially on the chopping block as part of federal tax reform. Under Enterprise’s leadership this year, ACTION advocated for legislation that was introduced in the House and Senate to strengthen the Credit—America’s main tool for creating and preserving affordable housing—marking a major victory for the community development industry and millions of low-income families nationwide.

Enterprise’s visionary leadership inspires the entire community development industry to set and achieve transformative goals that impact the health, education and economic opportunities of millions of families, driving partnerships across the country that support local organizations, create more housing and inspire city, state and federal leaders to make housing insecurity a priority—which is why Enterprise should be Organization of the Year.

Provide a brief biography of the person or persons who lead the nominated company (up to 125 words):

Terri Ludwig has served as president and chief executive officer of Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. since 2011. With 23 years of experience in investment banking and nonprofit leadership, Terri joined Enterprise as executive vice president and chief operating officer in 2009.

Previously, Terri held senior leadership positions at Merrill Lynch Community Development Company; ACCION New York, the largest nonprofit micro-lender in the United States; and Credit Suisse First Boston. Terri was a Presidential appointee to the U.S. Department of the Treasury Advisory Board for Community Development and Financial Institutions and currently serves on the New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation Board of Directors. In 2011, Forbes named Terri to its “Impact 30” list, a roster of the world's leading social entrepreneurs.

Choose one (even if both apply):

The CEO (or other principal manager) of this company is a woman, and at least 40% of the management team is comprised of women.