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Rockin' Green - Best Entrepreneur

2011 SAWIB WinnerCompany: Rockin' Green, San Antonio, TX
Entry Submitted By: Red Jeweled Media
Company Description: Rockin’ Green is an award-winning, clean-rinsing laundry detergent formulated for cloth diapers and can be used on all fabrics. Rockin’ Green manufactures detergents for hard, soft and normal water conditions (known as Hard, Soft and Classic Rock). It also comes in 7 natural scents. Rockin’ Green was founded in 2009 by Kim Webb.
Nomination Category: Individual Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Entrepreneur – Non-Services Businesses – up to 100 Employees

Nomination Title: Kimberly Webb – Rockin’ the environment clean, one cloth diaper at a time

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated entrepreneur during the eligibility period (up to 500 words):

Kimberly Webb is a solution woman. If she discovers a problem, she finds a solution. Especially if it’s something she’s passionate about. This is exactly how she went about inventing Rockin’ Green.

Rockin’ Green is a company that manufactures clean-rinsing detergent specifically formulated for cloth diapers, but rocks the wash on all your family’s clothing and linens.

After starting her career in marketing, she always had a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. When her first son was born, she began cloth-diapering him, and instantly became a cloth diapering fanatic. Today, 1 in 10 moms cloth diaper and the phenomenon is on the rise thanks to many modern cloth diapering options!

However, Kim had trouble keeping her cloth diapers stink- and residue-free due to hard water that caused mineral-build up rendering the diaper useless. At this time she also found that other moms were experiencing the same problems and were becoming fed up with washing cloth diapers.

As a creative and determined person, Kim fiddled with some eco-friendly detergent formulas of her own and in 2009, officially invented Rockin’ Green. In just two years time, Kim has helped Rockin’ Green:

• Grow 25-30% each month from the beginning
• Grow its retailers to over 600 in the U.S., 300 in Canada, 200 in Australia and growing distributorships in Dubai, Europe, New Zealand, Malaysia, Spain, Portugal and Brazil.
• Grow its employees to eight full-time with benefits
• Grow its physical space from a 1,400 sq foot facility to a 12,000 square foot facility with its mixing facilities on site.
• Grow its shipments from about 10 bags of soap (in Ziploc bags) per month to between 2,000-3,000 pounds of soap a day to customers and retailers.
• Gain over 18,000 Facebook fans

Kim says, “My passion for cloth diapers and green living prompted me to create an eco-friendly detergent specifically aimed at the cloth diaper market. This clean rinsing formula is great for all laundry and it comes in an assortment of fun scents named after rock-n-roll icons too – like Rage Against the Raspberry and Mighty Mighty Marshmallows. It makes me truly happy when I see how much Rockin’ Green helps moms, babies and our planet – I’m amazed at what a great detergent can and has already accomplished!”

Beyond the company, Kim is also one of the founders of The Great Cloth Diaper Change, a worldwide initiative that took place on April 23, 2011 in which over 10,000 babies were simultaneously changed in cloth diapers at nearly 400 locations in over 22 countries in an effort to promote the environmental benefits of cloth diapering. Kim volunteered her time to handle the social media for this event as well as hosted the San-Antonio site that had over 75 babies present.

And lastly, due to Rockin’ Green’s success in the laundry room, they will be launching a Rockin’ Green home line in late summer/early fall 2011.

Bottom line Kim is someone who gets things done - she’s a true-go getter. A mother, an environmental steward, and businesswoman extraordinaire.

List the URLs (web addresses) of any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that you would like the judges to see that support your entry. IMPORTANT: List each URL on a separate line, begin each URL with http://, and enclose each URL in square brackets. For example, []:

Press page has many media hits , but some highlights include:,4

Provide a brief biography of the nominated entrepreneur (up to 100 words):

Kimberly Webb is the founder of Rockin’ Green, a company that manufactures clean-rinsing detergent specifically formulated for cloth diapers, but rocks the wash with all clothing and linens. Kim invented Rockin’ Green in 2009 as a way for cloth diapering parents to truly get their cloth diapers stink- and residue-free. In two short years, Rockin’ Green is available in more than 1,100 retailers worldwide and it is used by hundreds of thousands of moms around the globe. In addition, Kim was also one of the founders of The Great Cloth Diaper Change. Kim and her husband, Jeremy, work for Rockin’ Green full-time. They have two sons and reside in San Antonio, Texas.