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Linda Byerline, Happy Heiny's

Company: Happy Heiny’s, San Diego, CA
Entry Submitted By: Allison & Partners
Company Description: Happy Heiny’s, one of the largest manufactures of modern cloth diaper products, offers an assortment of environmentally safe, economical cloth diapering products for infants, toddlers, bed-wetters and adults worldwide. Founded in 2002 by Linda Byerline, Happy Heiny’s products are made in the United States by working moms and are sold in more than 300 retailers.
Nomination Category: Individual Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Entrepreneur – Non-Services Businesses – up to 100 Employees

Nomination Title: Linda Byerline, President, Happy Heiny's

  • Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated entrepreneur
    during the eligibility period (up to 500 words):

    Linda Byerline founded Happy Heiny’s in 2002, in response to the birth of her 
    daughter, Sarah Grace. Sarah Grace was born prematurely and developed chronic
    lung disease from the ventilator that helped save her life. Additionally, due
    to the chemicals used to manufacture disposable diapers, doctors recommended that
    Linda and her husband, Mike, switch to cloth diapers in hopes of decreasing
    Sarah Grace’s need for medications and further hospitalizations.

    Unable to utilize disposable diapers, Byerline designed and sewed her own cloth
    diapers that fit Sarah Grace comfortably; didn’t cause diaper rash; and more
    importantly reduced the number of hospitalizations her daughter needed due to
    Sarah Grace’s allergic reaction to disposable diapers.

    As Byerline continued to sew cloth diapers, she would occasionally sell extra
    diapers eBay. Much to Byerline’s surprise, her cloth diapers were quickly selling
    on the online auction site – fetching as much as $250 per diaper. She quickly
    realized that other mothers could benefit from safe and easy-to-use cloth diapers
    and thus, Happy Heiny’s was “born.”

    The success of Happy Heiny’s was also organic in that within six months of
    starting her business, Byerline was selling her cloth diapers to wholesalers and
    within a year Happy Heiny’s products were being stocked by multiple retail outlets
    throughout the world.

    As a true mompreneur, Byerline continues to grow her business and become an
    expert in running a small business while always placing her family first. Her
    family-oriented values are carried throughout the company, as all of Happy Heiny’s
    employees are working mothers. Currently, Byerline employs nine work mothers.

    With a family-first attitude, Byerline has created a product and company that
    focuses on providing alternatives to mothers throughout the world. Happy Heinys
    are sold in over 300 retail outlets throughout the United States and
    internationally in South Korea, Israel, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia,
    among others. Additionally, Byerline’s deep understanding of the importance of
    childrearing and commitment to providing a superior product offering, have made
    Happy Heiny’s the success it is today.

    Byerline received the Work At Home Mom (WAHM) MVP Award in 2007 as well
    as a So Swanky Award for 2007.

    Furthermore, Byerline also recognizes the importance of charity involvement.
    Happy Heiny’s participates in two yearly charity auctions and has raised close to
    $50,000. Every September, 10 percent of all Happy Heiny’s sales go to a specific
    charity, depending on the need at that time. Happy Heiny’s has helped numerous
    charities by donating funds to the September 11 Red Cross Fund, Red Cross San
    Diego Wild Fire Fund, Tsunami Fund, Autism Speaks, Fistula Care Foundation
    and this September will donate 100 percent of the proceeds from the special pink
    ribbon diaper to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

    In addition, Byerline is raising three children and living a full life with her
    husband, Mike. She takes personal pride in attending all school functions and actively
    participates in scouting and little league with all three kids while also
    keeping food on the table and running a household.

  • List the URLs (web addresses) of any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that you would like the judges to see that support your entry. IMPORTANT: List each URL on a separate line, begin each URL with http://, and enclose each URL in square brackets. For example, []:

  • Provide a brief biography of the nominated entrepreneur (up to 100 words):

    Linda Byerline is the founder and president of Happy Heiny’s and manages all 
    aspects of the international company. Prior to having a family and founding Happy
    Heiny’s, Byerline served as a nurse assisting quadriplegics as they returned home
    from the hospital. After having children, Byerline was a stay-at-home mom until the
    birth of her youngest daughter, who was the inspiration for her successful

    Byerline currently resides in the San Diego area with her husband Mike and three
    children, Sarah Grace, Michael Jr. and Jacob.