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Crowd Media HQ, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Judy Sahay, CEO & Managing Director

Company: Crowd Media HQ, Melbourne, Australia
Company Description: Crowd Media HQ- A creative digital media agency working with businesses to build their online reputation and give them real business value. Started less than 12 months the company has grown exponentially delivering tangible digital media solutions for many industries- automotive, education, property, fashion, beauty, hospitality, government bodies, lifestyle & design just to name a few.
Nomination Category: Social Media Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Female Business Blogger of the Year
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Judy Sahay
  1. If you are providing an essay, enter here up to 625 words describing the innovative achievements of the nominated person since July 1 2021:

    Total 573 words used.

    Judy is a trailblazing entrepreneur and blogger who has made a significant impact in the media world over the past few years. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish a group of 7 leading blog platforoms which have transformed the way brands conduct business. In addition, she championed blogger marketing with the creation of CrowdShare. Judy's outstanding achievements recently earned her an exclusive invitation to join the Forbes Business Council, a prestigious honor reserved for the top 2% of entrepreneurs globally. Alongside her business ventures, Judy has co-authored three books and gained recognition in The Australian Entrepreneurs. In 2021, she was honored as one of Australia's Top 50 Influencers, and her business, Crowd Media HQ, was listed in the Smart100.

    Contribution to the Media Landscape:

    Judy strives to be a trendsetter, reshaping the dynamics between brands and consumers. With the introduction of CrowdINK the first of the blogging network platforms, Judy has empowered companies, big and small, to share their authentic stories with consumers. Her vision is to forge a more intimate connection between brands and audiences, allowing consumers to glimpse into the genuine essence of each brand. CrowdINK's platform serves as a catalyst for positive change, one millennial and one endeavor at a time.

    Leveraging her millennial mindset and business acumen, Judy helps brands share stories that genuinely resonate with consumers. Over the past sixteen months, she has collaborated with global powerhouses such as Montblanc, Rayban, Miele, GE, LG, Dominos, Philadelphia, Dulux, and more, assisting them in reaching an audience increasingly inclined to support brands with authentic narratives. Through CrowdINK, Judy has been instrumental in cultivating levels of brand loyalty never before witnessed by telling stories that truly matter to consumers.

    Contribution to the Community:

    Judy's influence extends beyond commercial success; she actively engages with charities and non-profit organizations through CrowdINK, enabling them to communicate their narratives and foster growth and change. In a rapidly evolving media landscape where connections are crucial, Judy facilitates bonds between these organizations and like-minded individuals, strengthening communities nationwide. Moreover, CrowdINK has demonstrated its commitment to the greater good by collaborating with the Australian Federal Police to locate missing persons and supporting charitable causes.

    Success in the Past Year:

    In just over a year since its launch, CrowdINK has attracted an impressive 5 million monthly visitors, with over 400,000 unique visitors each month. With a diverse pool of over 1,000 contributors, including industry professionals, thought leaders, and influencers, as well as more than 200 community collaborations and 1,000 brand partnerships, CrowdINK shows no signs of slowing down. Being recognized as an Apple News Partner, the platform is committed to continued growth, fostering stronger connections between brands and their consumers.

    The Vision for the Future:

    Always driven to pioneer innovation, Judy is committed to elevating CrowdINK's success to extraordinary heights in the coming year. With a strong focus on brand loyalty and consumer satisfaction, Judy is spearheading the development of CrowdINK's proprietary interface, utilizing the cutting-edge internal analytics platform called Crowd360. This groundbreaking interface will enable consumers to interact with their favorite brands in real-time, fostering stronger relationships and dismantling barriers between loyal customers and large corporations.

    Judy's ultimate goal is to revolutionize brand loyalty for businesses of all sizes, impacting thousands of companies through this transformative venture. As an entrepreneur and influencer, Judy's vision and determination continue to reshape the media landscape and leave an indelible mark on the world of business and beyond.

  2. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, describing the nominated person, OR an essay of up to 625 words? (Choose one):
    An essay of up to 625 words
  3. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions, provide them in the appropriate spaces below:


Judy Sahay
PDF Judy_Sahays_Media_Profile.pdf
MP4 Judy_Sahay.mp4