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Relevance International, New York City, New York, United States: The Ellinikon

Company: Relevance International
Company Description: Relevance International is a certified woman-owned premier public relations, brand-building, and digital agency offering a 360-degree approach to globally strategic results. The agency operates from three offices in New York, London, and Los Angeles. Known for international campaigns, the agency’s active network of affiliates operate on every continent to take clien
Nomination Category: Communications & Marketing Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Media Relations
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: The Ellinikon
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the nominated campaign or program - its genesis,development, planning, commission, and performance to date - OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions, provide them in the appropriate spaces below:

    Written responses - N/A

  3. Specify the date on which this campaign or program was launched:

    June 2022

  4. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 191 words used.

    What is attached: 

    • Relevance International Phase One Wrap Report 
    • Architectural Digest article 
    • Wall Street Journal print article
    • The Evening Standard Podcast clipping
    • The Sunday Times article

    The phase one wrap report attached highlights the following: 

    • Potential viewership for the global campaign reached 2,209,454,156 for published coverage, equivalent to 28.3% of the global population reached in phase one alone. 
    • 23 international press trip attendees resulting in 32 press trip feature pieces (25 published, 7 pending to be published), resulting in more than 50% higher ROI on placed story outcome from the trip. 
    • Coverage in top tier publications such as: Architectural Digest, Robb Report, Wall Street Journal, The Times, Evening Standard, The Straits Times, Le Figaro, Les Echos, Elle Switzerland, Condé Nast Traveler, Corriere Della Sera, among many others.
    • The digital campaign generated 598M total impressions (7.4x projected value compared to spend), 25.8M engagements, and 2.68M YouTube views (3x projected ROI). The average Cost Per Click (CPC) in digital advertising is approximately $1.12. We received 567,236 clicks to The Ellinikon website at an average cost of $0.40 CPC between YouTube, Google, and Facebook/Instagram. 
  5. Describe the development of the campaign or program: the planning process, the goal setting, the creative and media development, the scheduling, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 250 words used.

    Following research on other urban regeneration projects, Relevance International created and implemented a 360-degree integrated strategy to communicate The Experience Centre’s mission in the designated key markets. The narrative was shaped around telling the story of the City of the Future – one that is sustainable and innovative. This account detailed the massive Ellinikon Park, the upgraded coastal waterfront, the largest urban retail district in Europe, and the project’s multifaceted residential offerings. The project’s narrative also included the promotion of preserved architectural landmarks by renowned architects and designers like Kengo Kuma and Foster & Partners. Much of this strategy focused on highlighting Greece as a model for smart city development and economic prosperity. 

    The narrative was divided into two pillars: Corporate and Brand. The Corporate Pillar focused on spotlighting Lamda Development’s credibility and how the firm would fulfill its commitment to deliver a project that will not only alter Athens’ landscape, but also Europe’s economy. The Corporate Pillar targeted business, finance, and real estate media to tell a concrete narrative supported with project and economic facts. The Brand Pillar was designed to highlight the multifaceted experience focused on lifestyle, wellness, luxury, and culture to a wider consumer audience.  

    For the campaign’s international markets, Relevance set out to:  

    • Communicate the project in top tier outlets per key market, focusing on lifestyle, design, business, real estate, and general news
    • Organize an international press trip with attendees from each market
    • Achieve CEO/CDO interviews in tier one formats to gain awareness of project leaders
  6. Describe the genesis of the nominated campaign or program: the reasons it was initiated, the challenges it was created to address, the problems it was developed to solve, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 236 words used.

    The Ellinikon by Lamda Development represents one of the world’s largest urban regeneration projects, poised to entirely reshape Athens, Greece. In 2022 the largest and most unique visitor center in the world debuted, setting the stage for The Ellinikon overall in garnering recognition and excitement worldwide. The Experience Centre showcases the full scale of what The Ellinikon will entail via 22+ technological and digital exhibits. 

    In June 2022, Lamda Development engaged Relevance International to promote the launch of the Centre and project across key international markets and Greece. The US, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the Middle East, and PanAsia were mutually identified by the client and agency as key markets to build global brand awareness. Campaign objectives and goals included: 

    • Launch The Ellinikon Experience Centre to generate awareness of the overall Ellinikon Project across target markets  
    • Build a positive global image of the wider project, highlighting key features and messages that would promote Greece as a leader in sustainable and innovative development  
    • Draw global investment opportunities  
    • Identify speaking and interview opportunities for key spokespeople  
    • Strategically build momentum for the incoming sustained phase in 2023 and beyond

    The budget for the international public relations portion of the campaign included management of all international markets as listed above, coordination of a group press trip, individual trips, and media relations. The campaign also incorporated a digital marketing component for Relevance to direct and manage the digital advertising budget.  

  7. Outline the activities and concrete results of this campaign or program since the beginning of July 2021. Even if your initiative started before July 2021, limit your response to activities and results since the beginning of July 2021 only (up to 250 words):

    Total 243 words used.

    The campaign kicked off with selective CEO/CDO profile pieces in tier one business and finance media. This method allowed for impactful conversation about the project’s design and timeline as the first storyline, while highlighting Lamda’s executives as credible leaders. 

    A global press release then announced the opening of The Experience Centre. The press release was distributed to select tier one media outlets before going on the wire to enhance newsworthiness. As a result, 20+ feature articles totaling nearly 12M impressions worldwide were secured. 

    • The initial launch was followed by various on-the-ground activations including guided tours and presentations for local ministers and government officials. Shortly after, Relevance held a 23-person press trip with business and finance, real estate, lifestyle, travel, and design media. The trip included site tours, presentations, and Q&A sessions with Lamda executives, as well as lodging at the Four Seasons in Athens, top-tier dining experiences, and guided tours of renowned historical sites. 

    The launch phase exceeded target KPIs accomplishing the following: 

    • 169 articles secured through PR efforts, approximately 21 stories secured by key markets 
    • 9 interviews including written Q&As, in-person and virtual interviews, resulting in 16 syndications 
    • 917 total articles captured globally mentioning the project, equivalent to reaching 28.3% of the global population  
    • Secured coverage in every active market’s top publications, including, but not limited to: Architectural Digest, Robb Report, Wall Street Journal, The Times, Evening Standard, Straits Times, Le Figaro, Les Echos, Elle Switzerland, The National, Corriere Della Sera. 
The Ellinikon
PDF TheEllinikon_PhaseOneWrapReport_25Nov2022_2.pdf
PDF AD_TheEllinikon_Revised_8Nov2022_1.pdf
PDF WSJ__The_Ellinikon_Aug_31_2022_PRINT_1_1.pdf
PDF 171022_EveningStandard_Ellinikon_1.pdf
PDF The_Sunday_Times_1292023_1_1.pdf