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5W Public Relations, New York, New York, United States: Dara Busch, Co-CEO

Company: 5W Public Relations
Company Description: 5W Public Relations is a full-service PR agency in NYC known for cutting-edge programs that engage with businesses, issues and ideas. With more than 250 professionals serving clients in B2C, B2B, Public Affairs, Crisis Communications and Digital Marketing. 5W was awarded 2020 PR Agency of The Year and brings leading businesses a resourceful, bold and results-driven approach to communication.
Nomination Category: Individual Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Woman of the Year - Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Dara Busch, Co-CEO
  1. Outline the nominee's achievements since July 1 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 249 words used.

    In the past year alone, the Lifestyle team grew by 60%, doubling in size, the Health & Wellness team by 52%, and the CPG and beauty divisions by 20%. In an effort to increase transparency and improve reporting to show clients the best ROI, Dara created the 5W  Measurement and Analytics Task Force. Combining staff from all levels and practice areas, the group shares analytics, metrics and reporting standards across departments and accounts on an ongoing basis. By collaborating on various client-requested metrics, the group decides the best way to showcase the agency’s work in a smart and strategic way, including the development of custom client dashboards, raising the bar on programming for new and current clients. Dara has been a key leader in 5W’s diversity and inclusion efforts.  In 2020, she launched an ongoing partnership between 5WPR and Black PR Girl Magic™ to invite members of the community to join internal 5W University courses, such as “Pitching Emerging Industries and Brands”. The partnership has continued to expand with 5W recruiting members of the community to join the agency at a professional level, and additional events and initiatives continuously announced. 

    Dara was also recently named Female-Executive-of-the-Year in the PR & Communications category by TITAN Women in Business Awards and also honored as a Game Changer by Ragan's Top Women in Communications Awards, named a Campaign US Inspiring Women in the Leading the Charge: PR category, and was a recipient of a Silver Stevie for Maverick-of-the-Year "Women in Business" category.

  2. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2021 of the nominated woman, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  3. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below:


  4. Briefly describe the nominated individual: history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 197 words used.

    As CEO of 5WPR, one of the largest independently-owned firms in the U.S.,  Dara A. Busch oversees 5W's Consumer Practice including Travel & Entertainment, Apparel & Accessories, Non-Profits, Home & Housewares, Health & Wellness, Parent, Child & Baby, Beauty & Grooming, and Consumer Packaged Goods, overseeing over $20 million in revenue across clients including Sparkling Ice, GNC, Smeg, and Circle Line. With 25+ years of PR experience, Dara is a seasoned practitioner experienced in developing multifaceted programs, and a strategic thinker who isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone to create a stunt or a 360-degree communications plan. Her client relationships span decades, and she has an all-encompassing rolodex of influential movers and shakers from around the globe. Prior to joining 5W, Dara was the Executive Vice President/Managing Director at Rubenstein Public Relations, where she worked for 16 years managing the firm’s marquee clients including the Miss Universe Organization and Ferrari North America among others. Dara lives in South Orange, New Jersey, with her husband, three children and their Labradoodle, Kali. Dara holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in public relations and theater arts and a minor in marketing from the University of Miami.

  5. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 83 words used.

    -Including links of clips from various media placements on behalf of Dara.

    -Most recently, Dara was named Female Executive of the Year in the PR & Communications category by the TITAN Women in Business Awards. She has also been honored as a Game Changer by Ragan's Top Women in Communications Awards, named a Campaign US Inspiring Women in the Leading the Charge: PR category, and was the recipient of a Silver Stevie Award in the Maverick of the Year "Women in Business" category.

  6. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominee's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 167 words used.

    Dara is not only an instrumental member of the agency, but she also works to shape the public relations industry through research and thought leadership. This year, the agency launched its fourth annual Consumer Culture Report, which Dara originated in 2020. The report takes a look at consumer spending culture, the biggest influences behind buying behaviors, and emerging trends. Insights revealed within the report assist Dara in leading her team and clients in understanding current consumer reasoning, while also unlocking patterns and trends that allow brands to prepare for the upcoming year. Dara also organized a reflective survey on the consumer impact of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. These research surveys allow 5W to share insights across a variety of mainstream media and trade outlets including RetailBoss, MarTech Cube, and Fashion Dive, to name a few. In addition to sharing insights, Dara is often tapped by industry outlets to share her wealth of knowledge as a PR professional, and female leader, with over 25+ years of experience.

Dara Busch, Co-CEO
URL Fourth Annual 5WPR Consumer Culture Report for Fashion Dive
URL Fourth Annual 5WPR Consumer Culture Report for Invision Mag
URL Dara Busch on How to Use TikTok to Grow Your Business for Authority Magazine
URL Dara on Influencer Marketing for Eclectic Brains Magazine
URL Dara on How to Maintain Brand Loyalty for The PRNet
URL Dara on Inspiring Women in PR for Campaign
URL Skincare op-ed for Retail Technology Insider
URL Creating Success Through PR for Modern Marketing Today