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2009 Awards Ceremonies

The 6th annual International Business Awards were presented on Monday, 14 September at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City.  The event was attended by more than 190 executives from organizations in 20 countries.

Below are links to videoclips, in Windows Media format, of the awards presentations.  Other files related to the 2009 awards:
ArrowDownload the awards banquet program (4.7 MB PDF)...
ArrowView photographs of the event...
ArrowListen to Business TalkRadio Network's broadcast...
ArrowReview the list of 2009 IBA Honorees...
ArrowBecome a sponsor of next year's awards banquet...
Arrow Thank you to all of this year's judges...

Stevie Awards President Opening Remarks
7 Seas Technologies
ACE Enterprise Slovakia
ASDA'A Burson Marsteller - Agency of the Year
ASDA'A Burson Marsteller2 - Campaign of the Year
American Medical Response
Australian Innovative Systems
Be Learning Films - Security/Safety Video
Be Learning Films - Best Video Narration/Performance
Big Fish Digital School of Filmmaking
Bigpoint GmbH
Cultural Foundation of National Museum of Korea
Cupola Pakistan
DANI Communications
Ernst & Young
Goyang City
Graham & Associates
HansaWorld UK
High Performance Technologies Inc.
Hong Communications
IF Net
IntraLinks Ltd.
Kangdong Nonghyup
Ketchum Estrategia
Kookmin Bank
Korea Expressway Corporation
Korea Nuclear Energy Foundation
Korea Railroad Corporation
Korea Tourism Organization
Lindsay Phillips Inc.
Llorente & Cuenca
LotoQuebec - Best House Organ
LotoQuebec - CSR Program in North America
LotoQuebec - Environmental Program of the Year
MWW Group - Best Online Press Room
MWWGroup - Communications Executive of the Year
Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation
Natural User Interface AB
Netezza Corporation
Nu Skin Enterprises
Nu Skin Korea
Park Sung Jik, Kangdong Nonghyup
Phonak AG
Procter & Gamble Asia
RWE Poland
Saatchi & Saatchi PCI Korea
San Markos
Sangmyung University - Best Sales Multimedia
Sangmyung University - Best Camerawork/Photography
Shin Sang Hoon, Shinhan Financial Group
Telefonica Moviles - New Telecom Product
Telefonica Moviles - CSR Program of the Year
TELUS Corporation - Best Magazine Format Video
TELUS Corporation - Best Video Direction
Turk Telekom
Unilever Indonesia
United PR
Waggener Edstrom Worldwide - Agency of the Year
Waggener Edstrom Worldwide - New Media Product
Western Union
Wipro Ltd.
Xinhua Sports & Entertainment - Executive of the Year
Xinhua Sports & Entertainment - Company of the Year
Yangju City
Young & Rubicam