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Divina Law Offices, Makati City, Philippines: DivinaLaw's A Dose of Law

Company: Divina Law Offices, Makati City, Philippines
Company Description: DivinaLaw is a leading full-service law firm in the Philippines established in 2006. We take pride in advocating and practicing dynamic lawyering—prompt, proactive, and result-oriented. We offer depth and range in experience and resources and a professional, collaborative work ethic—qualities that clients appreciate in an emerging and challenging market like the Philippines.
Nomination Category: Website Specialty Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Achievement in Web Writing/Content
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: DivinaLaw's A Dose of Law
  1. When was this site or blog first published?

    April 2008

  2. An essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated achievement:

    Total 621 words used.

    A Dose of Law (ADOL) is the legal education column of DivinaLaw’s Managing Partner and University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law Dean, Atty. Nilo T. Divina, and is being published bi-weekly – every Monday and every Friday – since 2018  in DivinaLaw’s website and cross-posted in a national circulation in the Philippines called Daily Tribune.

    A Dose of Law aims to discuss recent Philippine jurisprudence, clarify statutes, and provide better understanding of the law to the general public through its legal tidbits approach. It seeks to democratize access to legal education through the publishing of digestible content about the law for readers of all backgrounds. Oftentimes, legal concepts are deemed intimidating and overwhelming for someone who does not have a background in law, such as the majority of people. Yet, there is the involvement of law in our everyday lives. That is why A Dose of Law is and will always be ever so relevant especially these times because law is everywhere and even if we’re not all legal experts, we ought to understand what the law means so we can live a just, knowledgeable, and empowered life.

    A Dose of Law covers a vast range of topics, whether it be about criminal law, family law, labor law, corporate and banking law, constitutional law, among others. To date, there are 622 A Dose of Law articles written by Atty. Divina with over almost 3 Million pageviews on the website. The web content is accompanied by an appropriate art card which provides supplementary visualization of the topic per article. Published articles are cross posted in DivinaLaw’s social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn with a drive-to-site link of the article. 

    This popularization approach to legal knowledge is proven effective as well to attract potential clients of the firm. Through A Dose of Law, the Firm has been constantly receiving client inquiries about their cases, and would later on reveal that they knew of the DivinaLaw because of A Dose of Law as they have read an article related to their case or concern. But beyond client acquisition, it is a personal vocation of Atty. Divina to make legal education accessible to all kinds of people. It is as if a law not communicated and made understood well is not an effective law at all. In the end, it is the citizens who will be needing these laws so it is just apt that they understand it without having a hard time digesting it in traditional legal language.

    This initiative by Atty. Divina has even reached users outside the country. In fact, analytics show that our articles are being accessed in countries located in South Americas and Africa. This just proves the demand for accessible and easily understandable legal contents online – and DivinaLaw has done it for 6 years now, making the Firm a trailblazer in this initiative.

    Moreover, in 2022, published articles of A Dose of Law have been repackaged and transformed for other forms of media. We also have A Dose of Law podcast available on Spotify Podcasts where lawyers of DivinaLaw discuss the ADOL contents in a form of voice over for those people whose learning preferences are  listening rather than reading. It has also been the inspiration for DivinaLaw’s campaign called #AskDivinaLaw, which is a video discussion of legal concepts posted on Tiktok under 1 minute.

    As A Dose of Law celebrates its 6th year anniversary this year, A Dose of Law has lined up hundreds of topics to be posted continuously twice a week and will continuously improve through time to maintain its relevance and objective to making legal education more accessible to the people.

    Twice a week, take your dose of law!

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:


    1. Managing Partner: Nilo T. Divina
    2. Corporate Affairs Department Director (Director for Digital): Cheer Mae V. Ecarma
    3. Corporate Affairs Department Section Head (Supervisor for Digital): Charisse C. Arellano
    4. Graphic Designer: Josephine V. Valbarez
    5. Corporate Affairs Specialist: Aiza An O. Lim, Francel Capati
    6. Digital Communications and Analytics Specialist: Ed Karl Perez, Mae Malaya


DivinaLaw's A Dose of Law