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The City Of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: CityConnect: Digital Services for the Community

Company: The City Of Sydney
Company Description: An international city, Sydney is seen as the gateway to Australia. The City of Sydney is one of the largest councils in New South Wales, with employees numbering more than 2,200 and servicing over 246000 residents. The Council has a strong focus on sustainability, cultural activities and continues to always keep our community at the heart of everything we do.
Nomination Category: Website Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Non-Profit Organizations
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: CityConnect: Digital Services for the Communtiy
  1. When was this site or blog first published?

    April 4th, 2024. 

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 200 words used.

    Customer research told us our community wanted greater visibility of progress against their service requests, more transparency of service level agreements committed by the Council, and to be able to find and understand information easily. They wanted “simple, effortless and mobile friendly”. 

    On 4th April 2024 the CityConnect project delivered a new online platform for the community to submit and track requests to City of Sydney, and to manage their payments for rates, invoices, fees and charges. This involved introducing new smart digital forms and an integrated personalised dashboard that work together to deliver an "all in one place" digital experience for the community.  

    This project has enhanced the City's digital service offerings, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and digital service uptake. It will also reduce internal re-work and help optimise internal business processes, resulting in greater efficiency in resolving requests and better adherence to service level agreements. 

    Environmentally, it promotes paperless transactions, reducing the City's environmental footprint.  

    Societally, it improves accessibility and inclusivity ensuring all residents and visitors can easily access our services.  

    Overall, the project has transformed the City's digital landscape, delivering what our community had told us they expected, and enhancing the overall quality of service we provided.

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:


CityConnect: Digital Services for the Communtiy