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Grand Prize, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States: Ensuring Immunotec's new website highlighted the science behind their products

Company: Grand Prize, Salt Lake City, UT
Company Description: Grand Prize is a full service creative digital agency specializing in ecommerce, digital transformation. visual brand design, marketing strategy, and customer acquisition.
Nomination Category: Website Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Health Products & Services
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Ensuring Immunotec’s new website highlighted the science behind their products
  1. When was this site or blog first published?

    March 2024 hand off to Immunotec internal team

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 178 words used.

    Our goal was to create a site that consciously blends technical information to prove credibility and simplified explanations that cater to the everyday shopper. A strategy that became known internally as “science-ish.” 

    This was important because Immunotec prides itself on their science-backed approach to developing and sustaining its product line. In fact, the business began when two scientists began collaborating on what would become a major breakthrough in immune health. This message, both the history and continued scientific focus, was a critical part of how information was both designed and delivered on the new site. 

    While almost every page was touched by the scientific background, when someone wanted to dig deeper, we made it possible through multiple places on the site - like the home page, product pages, about and history pages. These deep dives were places where content and UX came together to create more interactive stories around the history of Immunotec, the ingredients and the processes that go into developing the health and wellness products they are so well known for.

    Immunotec's website was designed and developed for launch 14 countries and 5 different languages.

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

    Agency - Grand Prize

    Product Director - Sarah Nelson

    UI/UX Director - Stephen Chai

    Senior UI/UX Designer - Jared Perry

    Strategy and Content Director - Barton Strawn

Ensuring Immunotec’s new website highlighted the science behind their products