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Alena Bennett, Umina Beach, New South Wales, Australia: Alena Bennett, Leadership Speaker, Author, Mentor, Facilitator, Co, Trainer

Company: Alena Bennett
Company Description: Alena is a leadership specialist for CFOs. As a Chartered Accountant with senior experience across Australia, New Zealand and the United States, a trained educator, keynote speaker, GAICD, board member and a published author, Alena is the go-to for CFOs looking to elevate their performance.
Nomination Category: Entrepreneur Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Entrepreneur - Business & Professional Services
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Alena Bennett
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the achievements of the nominated entrepreneur since 1 January 2022:

    Total 637 words used.

    The seismic shift caused by the pandemic put CFOs in the spotlight, making them key decision makers, not only taking financial data and using it to influence operations and strategy but also visibly impacting the people at the core of all these decisions.
    As the focus changed to survival and sustaining business, everyone was looking to their CFO, asking them to step up into a leadership role. However, historically, CFOs were left out of leadership development training and coaching, being seen but not heard and told not to speak until spoken to. Introverted by nature, they lived with the mantra "my performance speaks for itself". Their humbleness pushed them into the background.
    CFO's across the globe needed an innovative approach, specific support and guidance to take them from being seen as the 'guardian of the books' and ‘tinkering’ with numbers, to evolve their pivotal roles, requiring them to be backward and present looking, and forward focused. I'm here to ensure CFOs are the ‘voice of reason next to the CEO’s voice of vision’.
    My innovative approach, mentoring, books and programs empower CFOs to break through the pervasive corporate world misnomer that CFOs only care about numbers, not people. My background in accounting and extensive audit, finance, risk, communications and leadership in Australia and the USA enables and inspires CFOs to change their perception of their importance, tap into leadership opportunities and team-building skills.
    I launched the Finance team programs and CFO Boardroom in 2021 with five members; it now sits at 20, with 31 completing the program and guiding two CFOs in the Finance team program to better lead their over 50 team members (~25 each) globally.
    I’ve driven the growth of my profile and my revenue growth has exceeded my expectations. Since launching in 2020 [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION]. Focusing on marketing foundation - high-quality content, writing books, speaking on stages and business growth activities [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION] 700% growth in two years.
    I've grown the membership from those predominantly in New South Wales, where I'm based, to memberships in the CFO Boardroom across APAC and the globe and have become a driving force in transforming the finance industry.
    After writing my first book in 2018 – Meaning Matters, I published CFO of the Future, which has received a Literary Titan Gold award and 5-star review. I've published two other books, and am launching my next book in October 2024. My books and annual CFO reports are important business collateral emphasising my thought leadership and experience in CFO leadership and finance.
    Never one to rest on my laurels, I always seek ways to build my skills and expertise. Last year, I gained qualifications with GAICD Graduate of the Australian Institute Of Company Directors and am a founding partner and major sponsor of the Inaugural Australian CFO Awards in 2022 (and November 2023).
    When you deal with finances every day, CFOs can be stressed out and time-poor. Having worked in this space, I recognise the demands on their time and have created a unique balance of training and mentoring, giving time to learn and grow, without homework. Implementation actions directly benefit current strategic goals and priorities and each step in the journey with me is mapped out with a proven framework, tailored to the specific needs of CFOs, and empowers them with the skills to step outside the 'job description' and embrace the deep insights they have about what drives a business's success - finances and people.
    CFOs have the potential to change the world. Their unique combination of being good humans, along with their financial and commercial acumen, makes them incredible decision-makers who can see the past, present, and future of the businesses they work for. I'm Alena Bennett and I'm here to ensure that happens.
  4. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), provide a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the chief achievements of the nominated entrepreneur since 1 January 2022:

    Total 137 words used.

    My business has expanded and evolved in several exciting directions and I’ve achieved my goal of becoming a professional director. Utilising my authoritative expertise to mentor more CFOs, I’ve set a powerful example of what can be achieved when you live and breathe your mission:
    • licensing my programs into various organisations where CFO certified mentors use my content to empower others to guide finance professionals effectively.
    • Writing more books that delved deeper into authoritative leadership insights in the finance space, valuable resources for aspiring/experienced CFOs.
    • Run frequent mastermind groups on an international scale. Participants took their learnings back to their organisations, fostering significant positive change in the finance industry.
    • Establish a global mentoring program - cross-mentoring among members, encouraged mutual growth and collaboration while spreading the movement worldwide.
    You can see more in the support document attached.
Alena Bennett