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Ayala Land International Sales, Inc., Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines: A Better Home Back Home by Ayala Land International

Company: Ayala Land International Sales, Inc., Makati City, Metro Manila
Company Description: Ayala Land International Sales, Inc. is the official international marketing and sales arm of Ayala Land, Inc., one of the largest real estate developers in the Philippines. Our organization markets Philippine properties to Filipino expats and overseas workers, with sales offices in Dubai, San Francisco, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Rome.
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Sales: Product Sales
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: A Better Home Back Home by Ayala Land International
  1. Date this production was first released/publicly viewed:

    October 20, 2023

  2. Briefly describe this entry's communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 198 words used.

    "A Better Home Back Home" is a video project aimed at connecting with overseas Filipino migrants and highlighting Ayala Land's international events and initiatives worldwide. The objective of the video is to evoke nostalgia and prompt contemplation among Filipinos living abroad about their life back home, ultimately encouraging them to explore property investment opportunities in the Philippines. Whether it's to enhance the quality of life for their loved ones or to secure a better home for their eventual return, the video seeks to resonate with overseas Filipinos.

    The narrative of the video revolves around three characters, each representing the journey of Filipinos who have ventured abroad in pursuit of better opportunities. Despite the physical distance, the video showcases how these individuals found their way to Ayala Land and discovered their ideal homes in the Philippines. Through compelling storytelling, the video effectively communicates the message of reconnecting with one's roots and finding a sense of belonging.

    The campaign achieved significant success, garnering [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION] impressions, generating [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION] new inquiries, and resulting in [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION] property sales. This demonstrates the impactful reach and effectiveness of the campaign in engaging with the target audience and driving tangible outcomes.

  3. Provide the applicable creative and production credits for this entry:

    Head of Marketing: Yricka "YB" Casanova-Pestaño

    Creative Director: Petter Santiago

    Production House: This Side Up Manila

A Better Home Back Home by Ayala Land International