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Pan American Energy, Ciudad De Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina: Integrated Company

Company: Pan American Energy
Company Description: PAE is the leading private and integrated energy company in Argentina. It has become the main private producing, employing and investing company within the Oil&Gas industry in this country. It also operates in Bolivia, Mexico and Brazil. It explores and produces oil and gas. It refines oil, commercializes fuels and lubricants (AXION branch), and participates in the renewable energies.
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Corporate Overview
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Integrated Company
  1. Date this production was first released/publicly viewed:

    November 2022: The video Integrated Company was published on YouTube.

  2. Briefly describe this entry's communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 200 words used.

    To bring mainly young audiences closer to its operations in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay, Pan American Energy (PAE) created PAE Experience, an innovative proposal with interactive experiences designed to show the company and its production processes uniquely: The game PAE Adventure; PAE 3D (AR), Operations 360º (VR).

    Based on the design and development of the experiences, the 3D animated institutional video was created to effectively and visually portray the fuel production process, from the well to the gasoline pump.

    The animation in the video allowed the details of the facilities, equipment and operations to be shown realistically. The video incorporated narrative elements (music, sound effects and voice-over), which guided the viewer along the journey and emphasized key concepts in a dynamic and captivating way.

    The use of innovative technologies not only allowed PAE to show its production activities with a high level of detail, but also enabled to learn about energy in an immersive way.

    The full 5:30-minute video was posted on YouTube. Six short clips were posted on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

    113,524 views, 33,134 interactions and 236,419 people reached on PAE’S social media with the video Integrated Company (until October 2023).

  3. Provide the applicable creative and production credits for this entry:


    Daniel Felici, Vice President of Institutional Relations

    Martín Ancarola, Regional Executive Manager of External Communications

    Leticia Figueiras, Institutional Communications Leader

    Agustina Etayo, Institutional Communications Specialist

    Anabella Castillo, Institutional Communications Analyst

    Gonzalo Echevarría, Institutional Communications Analyst



    General Manager: Agustina Landi

    Producer: Carolina Oroño

    Project Manager: Mariano Utin

    2D Design and Animation: Alejandro Gabriel

    3D Design and Animation: Matías Pereira

    Programming and Animation: Rodrigo Levin

    Editor/Music Composer: Cecilia Toso

    Animated Graphic Design: Mauricio Canosa

    General Manager: Agustina Landi

    Producer: Carolina Oroño

    Project Manager: Mariano Utin

    2D Design and Animation: Alejandro Gabriel

    3D Design and Animation: Matías Pereira

    Programming and Animation: Rodrigo Levin

    Editor/Music Composer: Cecilia Toso

    Animated Graphic Design: Mauricio Canosa


    Chief Executive Officer: Joaquín Saint Jean

    Director of Digital Marketing and Communication: Agustina Croce

Integrated Company