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ebebek Mağazacılık, Istanbul, Türkiye: Emzirme Destek Projesi (Breastfeeding Support Project)

Company: ebebek Mağazacılık, Istanbul, Turkey
Company Description: ebebek was founded by Halil Erdogmus in 2001. ebebek meets all the needs of the mother and the baby, starting from pre-birth and extending until the age of 4. It is a chain of 250 stores across Turkey and a website that welcomes you 24 hours a day with quality products, friendly staff, high service standards, affordable prices, expert knowledge and after-shopping support.
Nomination Category: Marketing Campaign Categories - Industry
Nomination Sub Category: Marketing Campaign of the Year - Healthcare - Disease Education & Awareness
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Emzirme Destek Projesi (Breastfeeding Support Project)
  1. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this first question: Specify the date on which this campaign or program was launched:

    Emzirme Destek Projesi (Breastfeeding Support Project) was started on July 1, 2021, and is actively continuing.

  2. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated campaign or program, OR written answers to the questions for this category? CHOOSE ONE:
    Written answers to the questions
  3. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.


  4. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this second question: Describe the genesis of the nominated campaign or program: the reasons it was initiated, the challenges it was created to address, the problems it was developed to solve, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 230 words used.

    According to the United Nations' 2022 Child Mortality Assessment Report, we see that an average of 2.3 million babies died in the first month of 2021, and this rate is equal to an average of 6400 babies every day. And also According to UNICEF's Baby Friendly Initiative report, only 34% of babies in the UK region can receive breast milk.

    During the process, we found that listening to and understanding the mother who needs help during the breastfeeding counselling process is very important. However, with the cultural changes in breastfeeding, mothers and counsellors from different cultures may need help communicating effectively. As two specialists, we were able to provide counselling to limited mothers and did not have access to many people.

    To solve this problem, we wanted to create a platform where counsellors and mothers with similar sociocultural characteristics can collaborate to establish effective counselling communication. With Emzirme Destek Projesi, we brought together consultants and mothers located in the same province for free, and we were able to reach out and provide counselling to many more mothers.

    Undoubtedly, breast milk perfectly meets all the needs of a baby during the first 6 months. As ebebek, we believe that this rate, which has reached a serious level, can be reduced by encouraging breast milk and breastfeeding, and we are carrying out many projects in this direction with our expert staff.

  5. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this third question: Describe the development of the campaign or program: the planning process, the goal setting, the creative and media development, the scheduling, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 250 words used.

    We evaluated the applications from the Nutrition and Dietetics, Nursing, and Midwifery departments during the application period.
    We formed our team with 61 candidates who completed the stages of motivation letter writing, general aptitude tests, and interviews. We gave our team two days of training, in which we explained breastfeeding in every aspect and formed our team.
    In our project, mothers enter the project page and select which issue they want to support on; then, they determine the person they want to get counselling from, who can be directed to the consultant's Whatsapp account.

    As our project progressed, we realized the support needs of mothers regarding nutrition during pregnancy and baby feeding. We have also expanded our scope of consultancy.

    We have provided 52,000 consultations and aim to reach 100,000 mothers by the end of 2024. We have started working to adapt our project by reaching mothers in the UK, where the breastfeeding rate is low, not only between the borders of Turkey. 

    Among the target audience of the project;
    * Expectant mothers who are curious about how to breastfeed and feed during pregnancy 
    * Mothers with having problems with breastfeeding 
    * Mothers who do not know about breastfeeding and baby food

    We announce our project to our target audience through different communication channels. We share feedback from mothers on our ebebek social media account, SMS campaigns for the target audience, push notification and mailing sending, TV advertising, influencer collaborations, and written communication (leaflet, wobbler) in our stores.

  6. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this fourth question: Outline the activities and concrete results of this campaign or program since the beginning of 2019. Even if your initiative started before 2022, limit your response to activities and results since the beginning of 2022 only (up to 250 words):

    Total 249 words used.

    With Emzirme Destek Projesi, we have provided free one-on-one counselling to 42,000 parents since the beginning of 2022. The Emzirme Destek Projesi page on our blog site,, has received 1,290,232 views since 2022. We added 741,308 breastfeeding mother members to ebebek.

    Since 2022, our project has also won the Gold and Bronze Award for the Best Marketing Team in the Health Sector at The Hammers Awards, the MarTech Awards / Best Use of Technology in the Health Sector, the Healthy Lifestyle Category of the Brandverse Awards and the Istanbul Marketing Awards Consumer-Oriented Health Communication Awards.

    At the same time, since 2022, we have provided 3 nursing mothers to ebebek until this time.

    We have increased the milk supply of many mothers and ensured that our formula-fed babies are completely breastfed, while babies who do not want to breastfeed. We have raised awareness about the complementary nutrition of their babies by showing guidance to many mothers who experience confusion during the transition period to supplemental food. In addition to the traditional feeding methods applied during the supplementary food period, we informed the parents about the techniques that improve the baby's self-confidence.

    At the same time, we have provided professional experience to the students in our team and contributed to their gaining practical experience by enabling them to get in touch with the case one-on-one. Thanks to this, our Breastfeeding Support Ambassadors also had the opportunity to develop effective counselling and communication skills while still students.

  7. You have the option to reference here any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 68 words used.

    We can view the number of applications and all other data related to the Emzirme Destek Projesi via the WordPress Panel. We display the number of clicks to our project page with Google Analytics and work with our CRM department on the number of breastfeeding mothers provided to the midwife.

    We collect feedback about the consultations we provide directly from mothers who receive counselling through the Google Form.

Emzirme Destek Projesi (Breastfeeding Support Project)