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Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Philippines: Car Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue

Company: Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Philippines
Company Description: Ayala Land is the Philippines’ leading developer of sustainable estates, offering a diverse mix of properties such as residential, retail, office, hotels, and leisure developments, that support nation-building. The company was established in 1988 as the real estate arm of Ayala Corporation. Today, Ayala Land has a total of 20 sustainable estates and is present in 55 key growth centers nationwide.
Nomination Category: Event Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Corporate & Community - Green Event
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Car Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue
  1. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 525 words describing the event: its genesis, goals, development, and results:

    Total 510 words used.

    In September 2023, Ayala Land and Make It Makati embarked on a transformative initiative with the introduction of Car-Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue. The challenge was how to provide much-needed open space in a bustling urban environment where such opportunities are often limited. Working within the confines of limited available open space in Makati, the team had to innovate and strategize to be able to provide a venue that enables the community to engage in health and fitness activities and interact with each other.

    To maximize the initiative, Ayala Avenue was chosen as a venue given its scale and highly accessible location. However, careful planning was needed as it also serves as Makati’s spine road that connects to highly frequented establishments on weekends such as Glorietta and Greenbelt malls, as well as key institutions.

    With the goal of creating a vibrant and inclusive public space that prioritizes people over cars, another challenge was to shift perceptions, habits, and priorities towards a more active, social, and sustainable urban lifestyle.

    The strategic approach aimed to resonate deeply with the audience's desire for a healthier and more connected urban experience that prioritizes human connections, physical activity, and shared public spaces. The campaign's driving force was the belief that by reclaiming the streets for people, Makati could foster a sense of community ownership, encourage active lifestyles, and promote social cohesion in a dynamic urban setting.

    The team curated a diverse range of activities and programs that catered to diverse interest and age groups, including running, biking, outdoor yoga sessions, group fitness classes, live music performances, and food markets. The campaign aimed to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes physical well-being, mental health, and community bonding.

    The execution involved a meticulous planning process that focused on creating a safe, engaging, and inclusive environment for participants. Partnerships were forged with fitness groups, health and wellness organizations, and community groups to curate a diverse program of activities that catered to the interests and needs of the community.

    To manage accessibility for those visiting establishments within Makati, the road closure is limited to hours when there is very little vehicular traffic. Ayala Avenue starts its road closure at 6:00am which is also an ideal time for early morning outdoor activities such as running and biking.  The road reopens to vehicles at exactly 10:00am when mall hours begin.

    Through its innovative approach, strategic partnerships, and commitment to promoting health, wellness, and community interactions, the Car-Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue campaign successfully transformed the urban landscape of Makati, providing a much-needed space for residents and visitors to connect, and prioritize their well-being. The initiative generated strong community support and showcased the potential for a more livable and inclusive urban environment in Makati.

    The following substantiate these results:

    • 130,632 attendees from its launch in September to the end of 2023. This translates to an average foot traffic of over 8,000 people for each Sunday from 6-10am.
    • Reach of over 3 million on social media
    • 22 brand partners
    • 10 organic pick-ups by print and digital media
  2. Optionally, you may list creative and production credits for your event - a list of the people and organizations that contributed to its development:

    Car Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue was conceptualized and implemented by the Marketing and Communications group of Ayala Land in collaboration with the Makati Commercial Estate Association (MACEA).

  3. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 525 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 525 words
  4. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


Car Free Sundays at Ayala Avenue