Company: BELBİM AŞ, Istanbul, Turkey Company Description: BELBİM Electronic Money and Payment Services Inc. is the founder of the R&D intensive 'Electronic Fare Collection System', which has been in service in the Istanbul public transportation system since 1987. BELBİM transformed into an electronic money institution and by transforming the existing system into an electronic money system. Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories Nomination Sub Category: Company of the Year - Transportation - Medium-size
Nomination Title: BELBİM
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2022, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 197 words used.
BELBİM ELECTRONIC MONEY AND PAYMENT SERVICES INC. (Subsidiary of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality) BELBİM is an affiliate company exclusively authorized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality to manage the 'Electronic Toll Collection Systems' (EÜTS). Over time, it has added financial technology services to its EUTS services. BELBİM has turned into an electronic money institution with the Istanbulkart it developed. The entire financial ecosystem is managed within the scope of the T.C. Central Bank and banking legislation. We are one of the ambassador companies in the mission of carrying Istanbul to the future with its smart city vision. Istanbulkart started to be used in shopping in 2020 with the vision of 'City Life Card'. At the point reached in 2021, the need for a physical card has disappeared and public transportation payments within Istanbul have been digitized and replaced by Istanbulkart Mobile. We have turned a plastic card used only in transportation into a City Life Card in which it is possible to make payment at 100 thousand points. We became the only city in Europe that allows transportation payments to be paid 100% with a QR code.
Our Field of Activity: Transactions, Digital Solutions, Social Services, B2B Services
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words)
Total 246 words used.
Today, Istanbulkart can be used as a payment tool at 100 thousand points throughout Istanbul. Istanbulkart is a closed circuit card. We collaborated on each point one by one. The service network we will describe has been developed with a lot of effort. We launched Istanbulkart Mobile as an application that will meet the financial needs of Istanbulites. The first step of Istanbulkart Mobile's fintech journey began by moving all transportation payments to mobile phones. With Istanbulkart Mobile, we offered Istanbulites an infrastructure where Istanbul transportation can be paid end-to-end with QR. This year, we started our new 5-year duty with the new decision made by Istanbulites! We have 25 million active Istanbulkarts. We are one of the 5 organizations with the most prepaid cards in Turkey. 2.5 billion transactions are made annually with Istanbul cards. In order to make Istanbul's transportation card a life card for Istanbulites, we made it valid for shopping and enabled payments to be made at 100 thousand points! In this way, we increased BELBİM's annual transaction volume to 13 Billion TL! Istanbulkart Mobile, an important building block of our digital transformation journey, has been downloaded 13 million times. Our application has been among the 10 most downloaded financial applications since the day it was launched. With Istanbulkart Mobile, more than 500 thousand QR passes per day and 150 million QR per year. İstanbulkart Mobile is not just a fintech product but a milestone in the digital transformation of Istanbul.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 220 words used.
While 1 billion transactions are made annually with prepaid cards in Turkey, 2.5 billion transactions are made annually with Istanbulkart. Istanbulkart transactions constitute 72% of the total number of transactions made with prepaid cards in Turkey. Comparing to data strived from BKM (Interbank Card Center), 80% of the total QR payments made in our country are payments made with Istanbulkart Mobile. We provided cash support within the application, called +Digital Balance, to our citizens who suffered especially during the economic fluctuations in our country, and we offered 2 new features within the application to Istanbulites whose transportation service was disrupted due to insufficient funds. Now, the user who activates the Automatic Loading Instruction or Instant Limit feature within the application receives uninterrupted transportation service. We transformed Istanbulkart Mobile into a fintech application. We made it possible to transfer money between Istanbulkarts and banks and payment institutions free of charge. At the same time, with the KOLAS (easy address identification) feature, the IBAN number can be transferred to the user's mobile phone, e-mail address or T.R. It is defined by its identification number. 13% of the 144 thousand transactions made are made as easy transfer to address (KOLAS). We are ranked 1st in the industry in sending money with KOLAS. We are ranked 2nd in receiving money with KOLAS.
- You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 135 words used.
Istanbulkart Mobile plays a key role in transforming our fintech company into a company that offers digital banking services. We are adding new services to our application every day. We will continue to offer digital banking services that will make the lives of Istanbulites 360 degrees easier with our application and take new steps for our development. Our strategy is to move approximately 25 million card users digitally with a mobile application and offer them fintech services! In the near future, we will launch a project to expand to the world with Istanbulkart. With our Istanbulcard with a new scheme, Istanbulkart Plus, payments can be made all over the world, first with virtual cards, domestically and abroad, and then with physical cards. We will also offer the opportunity to shop at POS via Istanbulkart Mobile.
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