Company: CEASA Food Bank, Comida Boa. Company Description: The Comida Boa CEASA Food Bank is a project that was born out of a concern to combat food waste and promote food security in vulnerable communities. The project's main objective is to properly distribute the vegetables received daily by CEAS, which have lost their commercial value but are still fit for human consumption. Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories Nomination Sub Category: Company of the Year - Food & Beverage - Medium-size
Nomination Title: Comida Boa CEASA Food Bank
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2022, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 200 words used.
The main objective of the Food Bank Project - Comida Boa is to adequately distribute the vegetables received daily, donated by wholesalers and rural producers in Ceasa/PR, foods that have lost commercial value, but are still suitable for human consumption. It operates through the free distribution of fresh foods, minimally processed foods or ready-made preparations, which are not commercialized or outside commercial standards, but in conditions suitable for consumption. The donors are rural producers, permit holders of the CEASA/PR and Direct Purchase units of the Government of Parana. Entities that are part of the Unified Social Assistance System, families in situations of social vulnerability duly registered in the program and people affected by disasters can also benefit. Since 2020, the labor used in the selection and processing of food comes from a partnership with the National Penitentiary Department, through which prisoners have the opportunity to re-enter the job market, receiving training and professional workshops. According to IBGE, 14 million Brazilians are in a situation of serious food and nutritional insecurity, that is, hunger. CEASA is committed to combating food waste, promoting food and nutritional security and reinforcing the population's healthy eating habits.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 211 words used.
With the implementation of Food Banks and the project to modernize them with full use of minimally processed foods, the institution increased the volume collected by more than 100% and extended service to families/individuals and social institutions that were in a situation of food insecurity.
2022 In the following CEASA units in the state of Paraná: Curitiba, Maringá, Foz do Iguaçu and Londrina: 5,875,877 tons.
2023 In the following CEASA units in the state of Paraná: Curitiba, Maringá, Foz do Iguaçu and Londrina: 5,322,814.35
2022 Total: 1,587,237 people.
2023 Total: 1,386,511 people.
2022: 3,887 organizations.
2023: 4,413 organizations
The Comida Boa CEASA Food Bank is an example of solidarity and efficiency in combating hunger and food waste. With impressive results and positive impact on the community, the project is essential to guarantee the right to food for thousands of vulnerable people. Through its tireless work, Banco Alimentar Comida Boa CEASA helps transform lives and build a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 212 words used.
Every month, the Food Bank distributes a significant amount of food, both fresh and minimally processed, to registered organizations. The 2023 numbers are impressive: in January, 540,217.97 kg of fresh food were collected, benefiting 186 organizations and reaching 68,521 people. In February, 494,089.05 kg were collected, benefiting 224 organizations and 69,822 people. In March, the amount raised was 628,027.6 kg, benefiting 302 organizations and 109,064 people. These numbers demonstrate the Food Bank's constant concern and dedication to meeting the needs of the community.
But the work of the Food Bank goes beyond collecting and distributing food. The project is also dedicated to raising awareness among the population about the importance of avoiding food waste and promoting conscious consumption. Through educational campaigns and partnerships with schools and institutions, the Food Bank seeks to spread a culture of solidarity and care for the environment.
The Food Bank also stands out for its efficient management of the food it receives. The percentage of food consumed is always high, especially in the months of June, July and August 2023, when the percentage was 90.82%, 90.77% and 90.93% respectively. This demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that no donated food goes to waste.
- You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 51 words used.
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