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Public Works Authority Ashghal, Doha, Qatar: RPD raises the bar of sustainability and environment performance in Qatar

Company: Public Works Authority "Ashghal"
Company Description: The Public Works Authority 'Ashghal' was established in 2004 to be responsible for the planning, design, procurement, construction, delivery, and asset management of all infrastructure projects and public buildings in Qatar. Ashghal’s key responsibilities include governing the design, construction, and management of major projects including roads, drainage and buildings
Nomination Category: Sustainability Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Sustainability Initiative of the Year - in the Middle East and Africa
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: RPD raises the bar of sustainability and environment performance in Qatar
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2021, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):


  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.


  3. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 198 words used.

    Roads Projects Department (RPD) is an important arm of Qatar’s Public Works Authority (Ashghal) responsible for delivering infrastructure projects in the country. In 2011, RPD launched a portfolio of more than 374 projects at various stages of planning, design and construction which included roads, sewage, surface, and groundwater networks and systems.

    Since then, Qatar has committed to delivering a total of QAR 50.24 billion worth projects for infrastructure development involving the construction of 2,914km of road lanes, 1018km of pedestrian and cycling ways, 890km of foul sewer networks, 1,620km of stormwater and groundwater networks, 632km of treated sewage effluent serving 51,281 plots with utilities. In addition, Projects related to FIFA Stadiums that were used during the World Cup 2022 were successfully delivered in 2022. RPD has engaged the expertise of nearly 14 General Engineering Consultancy services and almost 70 contracting companies to ensure successful project delivery. RPD’s environmental team of around 200 professionals is responsible for managing, directing, and training project teams to achieve desired outcomes. RPD is committed to achieving sustainable roads, aiming to take on a pioneering role in implementing best practices for sustainable development in line with Qatar’s National Vision 2030.

  4. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 248 words used.

    RPD has made significant strides in environmental sustainability since 2021 through a variety of measures including but not limited to:

    - The establishment of three Recycling Yards at strategic locations in Qatar for processing and treating construction material waste. This has helped to better serve the Projects’ demand for construction materials and has had a positive impact on the environment by reducing the transportation distance required to transfer the waste. Besides, allocating one yard in Rawdat Rashid for construction waste disposal for those waste that cannot be further processed has helped in reducing the one-way distance to the existing landfill by 60 km on average, and associated carbon footprint.

    - The use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and Crumb Rubber Modified bitumen (CRMB) in asphalt mixes.

    - Incorporating 40% of recycled materials in completed construction works is a significant achievement resulting in a reduction of 275,867tonnes carbon emissions (CO2e) since 2021:

          - 27,034,465tonnes of recycled materials included in construction works = 91,033tonnes of carbon emissions reduced.

         - 8,220,147 m³ of groundwater recycled into construction works = 12,979tonnes of carbon emissions reduced.

         - 27,676tonnes of non-hazardous waste recycled = 14,441tonnes of carbon emissions reduced.

         - 7,651tonnes of waste tires recycled into crumb rubber (CRMB) = 2,293tonnes of carbon emissions reduced.

         - 22,368,971tonnes of construction waste diverted from landfill = 24,934tonnes of carbon emissions reduced.

         - 135,493tonnes of carbon emissions reduced through efficient material transportation.

  5. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 245 words used.

    In line with Qatar’s National Vision 2030 and climate change commitment involving ratification of 2015 Paris Agreement and becoming Net Zero by 2050, RPD is committed to play a vital role towards achieving best sustainability practices.

    RPD has implemented a number of tools and methods aiming at minimizing the negative externalities of roads construction activities on the environment:

    One such tool is the implementation of Environmental & Sustainability Monthly Report (ESMR) which allows for the tracking and assessment of the environmental impacts arising from the projects. This tool provides reliable and accurate data that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable practices adopted in construction activities.

    Additionally, the implementation of recycling and sustainability KPI, targets the use of at least 30% recycled materials in completed construction works, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions.

    The data shows a steady decrease of carbon emission amounts achieved by RPD from 2020 to 2022 which indicates a positive trend towards environmental sustainability. In 2020, RPD achieved a total carbon emissions reduction of 91,219 tonnes (tCO2e). This was followed by a significant increase in carbon emissions reduction in 2021, where RPD reduced a total of 127,158 tonnes (tCO2e). In 2022, RPD achieved an even greater carbon emissions reduction of 148,709 tonnes (tC O2e).

    Overall, the combination of these tools and methods uniquely adds value by providing reliable assessment of potential environmental impacts and promoting the adoption of sustainable practices in the road construction industry.

  6. You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 247 words used.

    The implantation of ESMR accurately tracks and monitors construction externalities which helps in identifying potential impacts and benefits of adopting sustainable practices. A copy of ESMR template is attached for reference. The purpose of ESMR relates to Environmental Performance in the following ways:

    • The ESMR serves as a Tool to accurately record, monitor and manage the Import, Use, Export and Disposal of major project materials and physical resources.
    • The ESMR has been simplified by standardizing the units of measure with accepted and auto-calculating conversion factors.
    • By detailing the Locations of the Source, and End-Use/Disposal of materials, alternative Sources and End-Uses of materials can be identified that will reduce transport Time and Costs to the Contractor.
    • Through the analysis of standardized and accurate data, inefficiencies in the Environmental Management of the Construction Process can be easily identified, rectified and directly contribute to reducing the Time and Cost Impacts of Construction and Environmental Performance.
    • Simply, the reporting format increases the Relevance and Accuracy of environmental data, while also aligning closer to international reporting standards by introducing (auto-calculated) Carbon Footprint data.

    These efforts have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the following awards,

    • The International Green Apple Environment Award 2021
    • Diamond level winner for green awards, from Harvard Business council awards.
    • “Excellence in Ethical and Environment Sustainability Green Initiatives” for RPD's Local Areas Infratstructure Programme, from Communitas Awards
    • Sustainability Leadership Award as part of Sustainability Awards 2022, from Business Intelligence Group
    • 10 awards for RPD projects, from Ashghal Green Awards
RPD raises the bar of sustainability and environment performance in Qatar
PDF Attachment__PWA_Corporate_Environmental_Policy.pdf
PDF CRMB_Paper_by_Dr_Charles_Nunoo.pdf
XLSX QA000_P00_ESMR_R06_Oct21.xlsx
PDF RPD_Achievements_2022.pdf
PPTX Sustainability_and_environment___Media_Coverage.pptx