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PT Angkasa Pura Logistik, Jakarta, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia: Danny P. Thaharsyah, CEO

Company: PT Angkasa Pura Logistik
Company Description: Angkasa Pura Logistics (APLOG) is one of the best supply chain companies in Indonesia. With transportation and logistics activities supported by our technology, we put our business to the highest level in the global air, sea and land freight networks to accommodate our activities in the Indonesian archipelago. Through our global network, we can provide the highest quality providing solutions.
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Executive of the Year - Transportation
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Danny P. Thaharsyah, CEO: Driving Transformation and Accelerating Logistic Business
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the nominee's accomplishments since 1 January 2021:

    Total 619 words used.

    Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLog) is a subsidiary of SOE Angkasa Pura 1 that provides integrated supply chain services such as Regulated Agent (RA), Warehousing and Distribution, Total Baggage Solution (TBS), multimodal shipping, cargo terminal operators, aircraft cargo, EMPU (Aircraft Cargo Expedition), and maritime line. Angkasa Pura Logistics is one of the companies in Indonesia that offers the most complete package of logistics services, from the First Mile to the Last Mile.

    Mr. Danny P. Thaharsyah is the CEO of Angkasa Pura Logistics at the moment. Since 2019, he has been the CEO of Angkasa Pura Logistik. As CEO, he has implemented many significant changes at Angkasa Pura Logistik, the most visible of which was when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the entire world and flight restrictions were implemented in Indonesia, which had a direct impact on the Company's main revenue of cargo.

    When Covid-19 hit, it destroyed the Company's primary revenue stream, which had previously provided more than 50% of its financial support. As a result, in order for the company to deal with and recover from the Covid-19 Pandemic, a new revenue stream and a change in strategy are required.

    Mr. Danny P. Thaharsyah has started a number of strategies and business transformations to address this, which were started in 2020 and will be active in 2021:

    1. Define the company's vision and mission as well as its long-term plans for 2021–2025 with a corporate strategy, focusing on accelerating operational excellence, unlocking business growth, and optimizing existing portfolios in order to shift the revenue stream from being a cargo terminal operator to a different business line.
    2. Create Strategic Business Units (SBU) such as SBU Air Freight, SBU Freight Forwarder, SBU Express, SBU Contract Logistics, SBU Cargo Services, and most recently the SBU Maritime Line to search for new revenue streams.
    3. Restructuring the organization to be more lean and agile in dealing with the dynamic business world, digitizing so that the process can be paperless and seamless, as well as creating a career path and increasing employee competence that is successfully carried out on a national and international scale supported by the Indonesian SOE corporate culture program, namely AKHLAK.

    The succeeding effects of the changes made since 2021:

    1. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the company increased its revenue from Rp. 380 billion to Rp. 713 billion, an increase of more than 87.6%.
    2. The business was able to turn around its previous 46.6 billion Rp loss into a 31.2 billion Rp profit.
    3. The company received 14 awards on a national and international level, including the 2022 SNI Award (the SNI Award is the highest award given by the Indonesian government for the implementation of performance management standardization) and the 2022 International Business Award in the categories of Transportation Company of the Year and Fastest Growing Company in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
    4. Angkasa Pura Logistik is a SOE Subsidiary Company of Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) which is still profitable even during the Covid-19 pandemic and with very significant growth.
    5. Customer penetration in the Total Baggage Solution line increased from below 5% to 6.3%, moving it from sixth to second place in Indonesia's market share for Aircraft Loading Expedition (EMPU), which was previously ranked sixth.
    6. Employee satisfaction surveys increased from 74.4% to 76.2%, and customer satisfaction surveys increased from 84% to 86%. Additionally, there was a 12% rise in worker productivity at YoY.
    7. The business has 13 locations with service standards that are ISO 9001 QMS and ISO 45001 OHMS certified.
    8. Opening new routes by prioritizing logistics transportation connectivity to eastern Indonesia, which is currently minimally carried out by logistics companies in Indonesia.
    9. The Corporate Angkasa Pura Logistics KPI set by Shareholders has always been achieved since 2021.
  4. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), provide a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the nominee's chief achievements since 1 January 2021:

    Total 146 words used.

    Mr. Danny P. Thaharsyah is the CEO of APLog who has succeeded in carrying out significant transformations in the Company. In order to combat the pandemic at the time, the strategy was to alter the program's vision and mission as well as the corporate strategy, which included accelerating operational excellence, unlocking new business growth opportunities, and optimizing current portfolios. The following are the outcomes of the transformation process:

    1. The company increased revenue by 87% and turned around from loss of Rp. 46.6 billion to profit of Rp. 31.2 billion.
    2. Increasing market share across all business lines with higher production and penetration rates.
    3. The proportions of customers and employees who are satisfied both rise linearly.
    4. The business is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and another service standards.
    5. The business is acknowledged as having won 14 awards, including at IBA 2022 and SNI Award 2022.
Danny P. Thaharsyah, CEO: Driving Transformation and Accelerating Logistic Business
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