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PT Indosat Tbk, trading as Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia: Indosat: Conquering Challenges with People

Company: PT Indosat Tbk, trading as Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
Company Description: PT Indosat Tbk, trading as Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (abbreviated as IOH), is a telecommunications provider in Indonesia which is owned by Ooredoo Hutchison Asia, a joint venture between Ooredoo and Hutchison Asia Telecom Group (a part of CK Hutchison Holdings) since January 2022.
Nomination Category: Human Resources Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Human Resources Department of the Year
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Indosat: Conquering Challenges with People
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the nominee's accomplishments since 1 January 2021:

    Total 650 words used.

    PT Indosat Tbk, a 56-year-old telecommunication company, underwent a merger with Hutchison 3 Indonesia in January 2022, integrating its employees, cultures, and brands into Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison. Whilst many studies showed M&A’s failure rate is 70-90%, Indosat has proven that it could turn around the low expectations by the growing revenue and great engagement despites all post-merger challenges faced by the management and employees. Attention to people and detailed holistic preparation that encompasses culture immersion were key contributors in ensuring its merger process went smoothly.

    The merger’s upcoming challenges have been discussed and anticipated even before the deal was done.

    Engagement in Uncertainty

    Amidst the uncertainty and anxiety about the impact of the merger, we ensured engagement and cultural immersion were embedded even before the first day. Everyone from both legacy companies was invited to join the new merged company and grow together. We created excitement for the upcoming agreement by holding an event which involved everyone to get to know the perks of the new company (benefits, career opportunities and development, etc.) Our senior leaders were also involved in ensuring their team members were excited about the merger.

    After the merger, we created a year-long friendly competition with various games each month, to maintain oneness, collaboration and embed our new company values.

    Rightsizing, not Downsizing

    We need to ensure the business stays agile and relevant. Therefore, we exercised Right Size, Right Shape, Right Structure, and Right People to the organization. We used data driven advanced technology for decision making through predictive analytics, whilst paying attention to the human side by implementing empathetic and transparent communication to our employees.  In the end, people viewed rightsizing without negative perspective, that’s why we had 100% acceptance rate of the rightsizing exercise, positive reviews by the media and no business disruption.

    The Future of Work

    Rightsizing made our organization leaner. With less resources in a more complex business situation, we need to make sure that we operate effectively. Leveraging our advanced digital capabilities, we deploy RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to take over administrative and repetitive tasks across multiple employees’ touchpoints from onboarding to offboarding. RPA shortens the process from 5 hours to 18 minutes with up to 100% accuracy and 0% human intervention, hence enabling our employees to do more valuable jobs.

    RPA also helps create a predictive analytic tool that supports our Talent Management. It enables us to determine specific retention strategies for specific person including their development plan based on a forecast of their performance and potential. This tool becomes a foreseeable future for this company.  

    Ensuring Continuous Engagement

    Employee engagement is the most crucial aspect of growth post-merger and rightsizing. We have a group of ambassadors in each function called Growth Partner that endorses positive change and continuous improvements, as well as the voice of employees.

    We also expand our engagement effort not only to employees but also to their main support system, family. We held Family Festival with more than 14.000 employees and families to celebrate 1 year of togetherness in 9 cities across Indonesia.

    The Results Speak for Itself

    Amidst the challenges of merger, our continuous investment in people resulted in the stellar performance of +48.9% of total revenue and +76.2% of Net Profit (YoY).

    We also received various acknowledgements, like HR Asia Awards - Best Company to Work for and Most Caring Company, Asian Telecom Awards for HR Initiative Year, and LinkedIn Learning Awards 2023.

    All these could only be achieved when our people are engaged, reflected in employee engagement score of 94%, and enablement score of 86% (Employee Engagement Survey by Korn Ferry, 2022). Even our score on Glassdoor in 2022 touched 4.6 which was the highest in industry, and higher than other big preferred companies in Indonesia.

    With continuous support and positive engagement from our people to the business, we will continuously challenge ourselves to achieve higher and keep beating yesterday!

  4. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the nominee's chief achievements since 1 January 2021:

    Total 146 words used.

    Post-merger, Indosat showed stellar performance +48.9% of total revenue and +76.2% of Net Profit (YoY) by:

    • Accomplishing a successful rightsizing, earning the confidence of all parties involved (shareholders, employees, customers, government, partners.)
    • Creating Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to improve HR Procedures which allowed employees to devote more time to important activities, increase productivity, and minimize human error.
    • Leveraging data science and HR Historical database through Predictive Talent Analytic which forecasts performance and potential of employees for wise decision-making in workforce management.  
    • Investing in people which resulted in employees’ continuous engagement, shown by:
      • EES score 94%  
      • Glassdoor score 4.6
    • Gaining external recognition, to name a few:
      • HR Asia Best Companies to Work For Award for 3 consecutive years & Award for The Most Caring Company in Asia for 2 consecutive years.
      • Asian Telecom Award for HR Initiative of the year
      • LinkedIn Learning Champion 2023.
Indosat: Conquering Challenges with People
URL Indosat Journey 2022-2023
URL Robotic Process Automation
URL Predictive Analytics
URL Family Fest 2023
URL HR Asia 2022
URL Asian Telecom Award 2023