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Dr. Phone Fix, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Dr. Phone Fix

Company: Dr. Phone Fix
Nomination Submitted by: WM Consulting
Company Description: Dr Phone Fix is Canada’s leading and most honoured company in the multi billion dollar cell phone repair and resell industry and a multiple 2022 business award finalist or nominee and a top business success story with explosive growth. It is Canada's 4th largest chain and has a near perfect 5-Star Google rating from customers and is a partner with the country's top non-profit battery recycler.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Company of the Year - Consumer Services - Small
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Dr. Phone Fix
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2021, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.


  3. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 199 words used.

    Leader in consumer services

    Dr. Phone Fix, founded by a newcomer in 2019,  has become a runaway success story and a Canadian model for consumer services in the electronics and cell phone repair industry with more than 12,000 on line positive reviews and a near perfect 5-Star Google rating. Some comments:  “Awesome Service”, “Super Fast”,  “Friendly”, "Knowledgeable”,  “Best Prices in Town”. (Its’ 80 techs at 34 locations nationwide fix cell phones that were thought unfixable - usually in less than an hour - relying on Canada’s top inventory supply.)

    It employs a Customer Management Experience Plan to measure customer satisfaction; saves customers money by selling them certified pre-owned phones (CPOs) at savings over the price of new models. It’s become Canada’s largest privately-owned chain in the sector and the 2nd largest seller of CPOs which are expected to be worth $146 billion globally by 2030.

    It diverts thousands of phones from e-waste landfills. It’s a nominee of 44 awards in the past 15 months including  winning 3 GOLD ‘Stevies’ and a bronze.  Samsung recently chose it as a phone repair partner, it’s partnered with AIRMILES to reward its consumers' loyalty and partnered with Canada’s top non-profit battery recycler.

  4. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 245 words used.

    Six hundred Canadians break their phones every hour. ‘Life ends’ when the most important ‘gadget’ they own is broken …banking, shopping and entertainment is interrupted. Texting stops. Its estimated adults spend 23 hours a week texting.

    • In Canada, we fix more broken phones than almost  anybody…usually in under an hour/repairs guaranteed for life

    This wonder of technology provides 100,000 times the processing power of the computer that landed man on the man, but according to the UN it’s contributing to growing landfills of electronic e-waste.

    We’re not just a consumer services leader leader, we’re also a leader in sustainability, awards, entrepreneurship, growth since 2021 we've:

    • diverted thousands of phones from landfills.
    • sold 3,000 certified pre-owned phones
    • accelerated our program of purchasing phones from Canadians; restoring/reselling them
    • In 2022:
    • Sold 7,000 certified pre-owned phones
    • We’re a nominee, finalist or winner of 44 awards in the past 15 months sponsored by top banks, businesses, business associations and industry media. (3 Stevie Golds including for Electronics)
    • Opening one store roughly every three weeks
    • Partnered with Canada’s top non-profit battery recycler, Call2Recycle
    • Leader in promoting the ‘sustainability/recycling conversation’ with political leaders and thousands of customers
    • Set up an ‘in house’ tech training program since no college program exists
    • Bought 10,000 rare COVID KN-95 masks for staff, gave away free to anyone who asked
    • Garnered 12,000 positive online reviews. “Superb Service!“ Mark B. “…the best priced.…”Mikayla H.
    • A near perfect 5-Star Google rating.
  5. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 241 words used.

                 * Dr. Phone Fix is alone in its sector in competing for industry awards

            *.In 2022/23 it expects to be a nominee, finalist or winner in 60 award competitions including growth, sustainability, customer service and entrepreneurship sponsored by Canada’s leading banks, accountancy firms, business publications and associations.

           *  Dr. Phone Fix’s achievements make it a recognized role model for the industry.

            * It has set up a tech training program to fill a gap currently unfilled by colleges

            * Dr. Phone Fix has gone from a modest revenue of $100,000 in year one to a cumulative total today of nearly $15,000,000

            * Dr. Phone Fix is a member in eight cities in three provinces of Canada’s top business association - the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. None of its competitors are members

            * It was the first Company in its industry to participate in a major national battery recycling program designed to reduce the amount of mining of precious minerals and metals needed for cell phone manufacture

            * Dr. Phone Fix is the only Company which  has instituted a program of providing newcomers to Canada with work experience to enable its employees to achieve permanent residency status or citizenship.

            * It has been featured in Canadian daily newspapers radio and industry publications

            * Samsung recently chose it as a cell phone repair partner

            * It is a partner with Canada’s major customer loyalty  program, AIR MILES,         Reward Miles.

  6. You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 3 words used.

    Please see attachments 

Dr. Phone Fix
PDF Dr_Phone_Fix_founder_interviewed_at_awards_gala.pdf
PDF Dr_Phone_Fix___9_logos___Stevie___World_Stage.pdf
PDF Dr_Phone_Fix____Retail_Insider___July_11_2022_for_BIE.pdf
PDF Dr_Phone_Fix___Stevie___EIN_Presswire_Version___.pdf
PDF Canada_Map_Growth_Dr_Phone_Fix.pdf
DOCX 1912.docx
PDF 11082100_01_V2.pdf