Company: Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Asia Pacific Nomination Submitted by: 12 Worlds Communications Company Description: Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting is a leading provider of software solutions and local expertise that helps tax, accounting, and audit professionals research and navigate complex regulations, comply with legislation, manage their businesses and advise clients with speed, accuracy and efficiency. Nomination Category: Product & Service Categories - Business Technology Solutions Nomination Sub Category: Content Management Solution
Nomination Title: CCH Parliament
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the the nominated new or new-version product or service, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: If this is a brand-new product, state the date on which it was released. If this is a new version of an existing product, state the date on which the update was released:
2022 - 2023
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Describe the features, functions, and benefits of the nominated product or service (up to 350 words):
Total 333 words used.
CCH Parliament delivers comprehensive, timely and unbiased political information services based on real-time alerts of political and government announcements as and when they happen from Parliament House, in Canberra.
Its digital content suite consists of five key offerings: Political Alerts, Bill Trackers, Political News, Specialist Services and Government Directories.
It produces almost 400 email news alerts daily and customised subscription offerings to helps clients proactively understand, navigate and influence the dynamic Australian and New Zealand political landscape.
CCH Parliament has transformed how subscribers streamline and accelerate their jurisdictional Parliamentary content.
- Whether it be a global pandemic or Federal election, CCH Parliament doubles down on its State and Territory legislation and regulation coverage in Australia whenever necessary. During key national events it can track anything from the creation of a national cabinet including all State and Territory Premiers, a Federal election campaign and the broad range of responses from the corporate arena.
- Each year the CCH Parliament team is a core part of the Federal Budget reporting, transforming how traditional coverage has moved into the digital age. It now leads with a virtual digital coverage approach for Federal Budgets. This has seen it handle the additional volume of Federal Government announcements and corresponding responses from the State and Territory Governments, opposition spokespeople and corporate leaders.
- In 2022, to satisfy the increasing demand for a more user-friendly way to stay up-to-date with announcements, the CCH Parliament team added an RSS feed to its communication channels. Its blue-chip subscribers can now receive notifications on Political Alerts via RSS feed, which takes them straight to the RSS page for summaries or the entire alert text. For these blue-chip organisations, this has proven to be a more efficient alternative to email notifications.
- The CCH Parliament team also recently added new technology integration capabilities with a leading media intelligence platform adding Political Alerts to its feed of real time insights. This latest innovation exposes CCH Parliament to another 500 large corporate and government organisations in Australia and New Zealand.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Outline the market performance, critical reception, and customer satisfaction with the product or service to date. State monetary or unit sales figures to date, if possible, and how they compare to expectations or past performance. Provide links to laudatory product or service reviews. Include some customer testimonials, if applicable (up to 350 words):
Total 296 words used.
- 2021-2023: Compound Annual Growth Rate of 13%
- 2021-2023: 66% increase in Twitter followers
- 2021-2023: 225,000 daily email Political Alerts subscribers
To maintain the digital transformation of CCH Parliament, the software’s latest enhancements focused on efficiency and improvement. This ensures that users can automate curated searches faster than ever, keeping them across Parliamentary and legislative change.
CCH Parliament Team: Providing Comprehensive Parliamentary Coverage for Over 50 Years
The CCH Parliament team boasts a wealth of experience in covering Federal and State political and regulatory environments, with over 50 years of combined expertise. Their focus on delivering personalised coverage to clients involves tracking how this content affects their influential subscriber base.
Employing a collaborative approach to software development, the team has combined feedback from subscribers with their own roadmap to improve the user experience. This has made it easier for subscribers to find and consume key references related to their organisation or themselves.
A significant innovation from CCH Parliament is their fast and automated programmable search tool, Hero Search, which efficiently locates references for Custom subscribers and their designated keyword terms across the CCH Parliament Suite. This feature helps individuals and organisations automate searches through the hundreds of daily alerts, with a tailored collation of identified references sent to subscribers to help cut through the noise and get the right results.
The feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Service has been extremely useful and of great value to the organisation in keeping up to date with the sector.”
Kelly Frazer, Knowledge Management Manager, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
“I really enjoy getting the CCH Parliament updates, they are very useful to know what is happening at a national level.”
Tyron Paspa, Former Senior Policy Officer, Department of Education and Training (Victoria)
- You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Attachments/Videos/Links: |