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Splash Box Marketing, LLC, Hendersonville, Tennessee, United States: Splash Box Marketing's 508 Department

Company: Splash Box Marketing, LLC; Hendersonville, TN
Company Description: At Splash Box we help our clients align marketing and branding strategies with their business objectives. We provide high end graphic design to meet marketing goals and reinforce their brand positioning with their clients. We are also proud to offer 508 Remediation Service and ADA Compliance website reviews, thereby helping to make the internet a more accessible place for the hard of sight.
Nomination Category: Technology Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Technology Department of the Year
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Splash Box Marketing's 508 Department
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the nominee's accomplishments since 1 January 2021:

    Total 582 words used.

    Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine trying to order a pizza online or access and read your insurance documents. Would you even know where to start? Would you be frustrated that companies didn't want to follow the law and make these functions and materials accessible to you? Of course, you would. Not only would you be frustrated, but you would most likely also feel cut off and alienated when they refused. For millions of hard of sight individuals, this is their daily struggle. Splash Box Marketing is proud to offer 508 Remediation Services and ADA Compliance website reviews, thereby helping to make the internet a more accessible place for the hard of sight community. We offer 508 remediation of PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents including fillable forms in all languages. This means that when a person with limited vision accesses your documents with a screen reader, the reader makes the page come alive for them and gives them the same information to which a sighted person has access. This is done in a logical and easy to follow manner. We also offer website accessibility testing and HTML consulting to meet the requirements for HHS and website reviews.

    In the past two years, our IT department has grown to include five in house remediators. Our team has remediated 1,871,812 pages since 2020. They have helped 242 clients become compliant so their hard of sight customers can access their content with ease. Additionally, they have recently created various social media accounts, as well as an educational blog to raise awareness about accessibility. Our social media posts mainly focus on accessibility, design, and preventing the diseases that can lead to blindness. Since January 2020, we have published fourteen articles on our blog relating to accessibility topics. These topics range from how to write appropriate alternative text to updates on accessibility legislation and lawsuits. We even have articles on how to prevent common causes of blindness. Our 508 team also helps answer accessibility questions on various online groups. This helps them reach more people than just our clients to ensure that everyone can make their documents accessible to the hard of sight with ease. Our IT department has also began advocating on podcasts. Some of which have aired, and some will be airing later this year. They have been invited to share and educate on Section 508 Remediation specifically, as well as overall accessibility standards.

    One of our teams’ favorite projects to work on is the monthly newsletter they remediate pro bono for the Tennessee School for the Blind. When they first started doing this, it was the first time that most of the students were able to actually read their school newsletter. They have made a tremendous difference in the lives of these students by doing something that most people would say is minor. But to the kids at the Tennessee School for the Blind, it means the world. Our team has consistently done amazing work remediating documents for clients. They do such a thorough job that most of our new clients come to us as word-of-mouth referrals from current clients. Our IT department is very passionate about the work that they do. They use that compassion to further assist companies in making the internet accessible to the blind. Their hard work is not only displayed in the projects that they complete, but it is also evident in the extra activities they participate in to further educate the public.

  4. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), provide a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the nominee's chief achievements since 1 January 2021:

    Total 107 words used.

    • Our 508/IT department is proud to make the internet accessible to the blind by offering our 508 Remediation services.
    • They have remediated 1,629,497 pages.
    • They have helped 177 clients become compliant so their hard of sight customers can access their content just the same as everyone else.
    • Our team has spoken on 5 podcasts educating the public on 508 remediation and accessibility.
    • We started an educational blog highlighting the importance of web accessibility for all with over twenty original articles.
    • They have partnered with other 508 companies to further assist in accessibility efforts.
    • The team started social media accounts to raise awareness for accessibility standards.
Splash Box Marketing's 508 Department
PDF Splash_Box_Marketing_IBA_Submission_Supporting_Documents_508.pdf
URL Our company website:
URL Our educational blog:
URL Our Podcast links:
URL Podcast Mission Matters
URL Podcast Perky Collar Radio Show
URL TN School of the Blind newsletter that our 508 department remediates pro bono for the kids
URL Link to Splash Box’s Instagram:
URL Link to Splash Box’s Facebook: