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Redi Software, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia: Redi Software, Advanced World First Data Visualization Platform

Company: Redi Software
Company Description: Established 13 years ago Redi Software is an award winning global software development company based in Australia. We design, build, support and maintain software system across any industry. Our professional team of expert software developers understand what it takes to create world class software that is secure, scalable and futureproofed. We build web apps, mobile apps and provide consultancy.
Nomination Category: Website Specialty Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Achievement in User Interface Design
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Redi Software - Advanced World First Data Visualization Platform
  1. When was this site or blog first published?


  2. An essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated achievement:

    Total 606 words used.

    This exceptionally visual web system is like no other around. It pushes web front end technology to its absolute limits.

    Software often fails in its goals, not because of functionality or performance but because it is just ugly, hard to use or messy. A founding belief at Redi Software is that software should be beautiful and easy to use. Software is just as much as an art as it is a science. We have always taken pride in how our software looks and performance. A world class user experience and user interface are at the core of all our software. Our qualified design team use the latest Adobe Applications Suite combined with decades of digital design experience to create something beautiful. We not only design the system but see them through to implementation.

    We would like to nominate the User Interface for a cutting-edge project at Curtin University, Australia. Curtin is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide with an expanding global presence, including locations in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai and Mauritius. It is a leading global public research university.

    Redi Software was engaged to develop a revolutionary data visualisation platform for the University. By allowing for real time sensor readings across the university to monitor engineering labs and energy usage this world first platform is being demonstrated globally on how to visually present complex data in an easy to digest and aesthetically pleasing responsive platform like no other.

    We used the latest IoT sensor equipment and pushed the technology to the limits to transmit in real time data to cutting edge cloud-based resources. These sensors were located within advanced engineering equipment, heating and air conditioning systems, physical structures such as bridges and walkways, to name just a few. These sensors are used for two purposes. Firstly, they are fed in real time to monitor energy usage, where energy is used across the university and the numerous sustainable sources. Secondly these sensors are used from an engineering perspective to demonstrate building load, structural usage, plant monitoring and equipment usage.

    To demonstrate just some of the attention to detail and world class nature of this unique user interface design, all images and graphics have been constructed individually by hand in SVG format. All images have been crafted in this way to they can be scaled up or down infinitely to any size with absolute accuracy and perfection. This was both extremely complex to achieve pixel perfection in this way but also incredibly time consuming taking many, many months per image.

    The User Interface has many advanced features such as playback, real-time UX/UI dynamic realignment for scaling screen sizes and complex dynamic variable scales depending on the incoming data. All of this is combined with a simple to use interface that can be used by anyone regardless of their understanding of the data or familiarity with the system. The User Interface also has extremely high accessibility ratings so it can be used with those with visual impairments, such as colour blindness. It has maximum compatibility for all modern browsers including almost any sized mobile device and follows all best practices from a technological aspect.

    In conclusion, we believe that our design sets us apart from other companies. Our website is optimised for usability, accessibility and takes a data-driven approach to design. We were committed to creating a seamless user experience that was aesthetically pleasing. We are confident that our design approach will be recognised for its excellence in the User Interface Design design award. We are excited to submit our website for consideration for the award and look forward to sharing our design process with the judges.

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

    Redi Software Development Team

Redi Software - Advanced World First Data Visualization Platform
URL Curtin Living Labs