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QNBFinansbank, Istanbul, Türkiye: Flexible Innovation Program - FIP

Company: QNBFinansbank, Istanbul, Turkiye
Nomination Submitted by: Business Awards Consulting
Company Description: QNBFinansbank, which operates with 436 branches and has approximately 12,000 employees, is the first private bank to go public in Turkey. QNBFinansbank has been steadfastly operating with the goals of offering more than traditional banking services to its customers and becoming the Financier of Turkey.
Nomination Category: Human Resources Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Human Resources Team of the Year
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Flexible Innovation Program - FIP
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the nominee's chief achievements since 1 January 2022:

    Total 149 words used.


  4. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the nominee's accomplishments since 1 January 2022:

    Total 650 words used.

    The world of work is changing irreversibly, making it increasingly difficult to attract and retain talented employees. According to Mercer's Global Talent Report, 3/10 employees plan to leave their jobs within 12 months.   

    One of the most important factors affecting employee engagement is the variety of roles and experience opportunities offered. Today, the desire of talented employees to have multiple skills and expertise and to gain different experiences in short periods of time instead of doing a single job in depth and for many years stands out as a need that companies should focus on when building their working models and talent processes. According to Gallup's research, employee engagement is 21% higher in organizations that offer opportunities to work in different roles.  

    QNB Finansbank search of a solution that would support the retention of in-house talent and at the same time promote a culture of continuous learning and innovation. 

    FIP (Flexible Innovation Program) is a skills development and talent management program where talented employees take part in in-house strategic projects in a flexible structure. 

    Flexible Innovation Program (FIP) is a talent management project in which employees are offered the opportunity to work part-time on innovative projects without leaving their current positions.  

    Project objectives include; 

    -Utilizing the potential of talented employees in strategic projects within the organization, 

    -Providing employees with in-house learning and job enrichment opportunities, 

    -creating a platform where employees can develop their skills in different areas outside their current jobs 

    -providing the organization's potential leadership candidates with experience in multiple disciplines and different jobs, 

    -increasing the commitment of highly talented employees to the organization through job diversity, different project opportunities and entrepreneurship, 

    -familiarizing the company's talents with different working styles and develop their internal network. 

    The program also enables project teams to meet their human resources needs from people who are familiar with the culture and ways of doing business within the organization. 

    The projects included in FIP are those that cover products and processes in line with QNB Finansbank's strategic priorities and lead digital transformation.  Employees who take part in FIP projects allocate up to 50% of their working hours to project work. After the FIP projects ending, FIP’ers continue their jobs in their own teams having gained experience in a different field. 

    The Flexible Innovation Program at QNB Finansbank has had 6 rounds so far, with 31 employees taking part in 42 different projects. The 7th round of the program is ongoing.  

    The Flexible Innovation Program has brought many benefits for the program participants, the project owner teams and the bank, facilitating the acquisition and development of new experiences and skills through interdisciplinary learning experience within the company and the opportunity to use its potential in different roles, with different working styles. 

    Thanks to the program, participants gained the experience of working on new projects without leaving their jobs in a safe environment and had the opportunity to experience different fields. 

    The project teams involved in FIP had the opportunity to shape their processes with different opinions from different specialties, while at the same time gaining efficiency and speed by completing their human resource needs with people from within the company who know the organization and the processes. 

    FIP has had a significant impact with the skills and learning experience it has provided to talented employees in order to sustain "co-development", which is one of the values of QNB Finansbank. Many processes within QNB Finansbank have been improved through FIP projects. In addition, thanks to the FIP process, many new initiatives have emerged and started their start-up journey with the support of QNB Finansbank: 

    KİRALARSIN started as a FIP project, and now received more than 2.5 million dollars of investment and started to operate in the UK under the name of Rundle.  

    KASSA which has now turned into a separate venture, received an investment of 200 thousand dollars during the period when FIP participants took part.  

Flexible Innovation Program - FIP