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PR/Corporate Communications & Publications Awards Judging Committee

Chris Litherland, Founder and Principal Consultant
Mariposa Consulting International, Heinsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Chris Litherland is a multifaceted professional with a rich background in organizational effectiveness, executive coaching, and business advisory. As the founder of Mariposa Consulting International, he has dedicated his career to driving excellence within organizations and maximizing team impact. His strategic focus encompasses a broad range of initiatives, from enterprise strategy implementation and leadership development to culture and capability projects, and effective change implementation.

With a history of senior HR and business roles in prominent companies like SAS, Fujitsu, and Intermec by Honeywell, Chris brings a wealth of experience to his consulting practice. His commitment to professional growth is evident in his status as a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and his active participation in various advisory boards across Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific. Chris's influence extends to his role as a thought leader, where he addresses critical topics such as the future of work and corporate social responsibility. His insights are sought after at global conferences and corporate events, and his written work on subjects like employer branding, team excellence, and organizational culture contributes to the discourse on modern business practices. In 2019 he was the Chair of Judges for the Great Employers Awards and Chair of the HR Judging Committee for the International Business Awards in 2018.

His dedication to social causes, as demonstrated by his support for organizations like Save the Children and the International Red Cross (German Red Cross), reflects a deep commitment to societal betterment globally and locally. Chris's career is a testament to the impact one individual can have on both the corporate and social spheres, embodying the very essence of leadership and change. Residing in Germany for over two decades, Chris's international experience and British roots provide him with a unique vantage point, allowing him to bridge diverse business cultures and practices. His hashtag #learn2live #live2learn encapsulates his philosophy of lifelong learning and adaptability, principles that are increasingly vital in today's dynamic world.
