Company: OPET Nomination Submitted by: Business Awards Consulting Company Description: OPET is one of the market leaders in the fuel sector with its 1800+ stations across Turkey, with 19.2% in white products and 33.5% in black Products which is founded by former teacher couple Nurten & Fikret Öztürk. Nomination Category: Sustainability Categories Nomination Sub Category: Sustainability Hero of the Year - in Europe
Nomination Title: Nurten Öztürk
- Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2022, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
Written answers to the questions
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated individual's organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 200 words used.
Nurten Öztürk, who started her career as a teacher, expanded the mineral oil sales venture she entered with her husband and made it one of Turkey's most valuable and strongest companies in 30 years.
OPET is a petroleum company which was founded by the former teacher couple Nurten Öztürk&Fikret Öztürk with its 1800+ stations across Turkey, with a market share of 19.2% in white products and 33.5% in black products.
The remarkable success of OPET in a short-time also attracted the attention of Koç Holding Energy Group, one of Turkey's leading holdings, and the holding offered a partnership to OPET in 2002. Continuing its activities today with 50% Koç Holding partnership, OPET has focused on infrastructure investments since its establishment. OPET has a storage capacity over 1 million cubic meters. OPET has become the fastest and most consistently growing oil company of the last decade with its strong infrastructure, realistic vision and belief in the country.
Realizing many firsts in the fuel sector in Turkey, OPET has been a pioneer in the transformation of the sector. OPET brought 98 octane unleaded gasoline to Turkey for the first time and offered Ultra Euro Diesel to Turkish consumers before Europe.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the nominated individual's achievements since the beginning of 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 245 words used.
Nurten Öztürk, as the Founding Member of the OPET Board of Directors, is the intellectual leader of all social responsibility projects of OPET. Öztürk was also elected as the President of TOBB (Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges), Women Entrepreneurs Board in 2020.
Nurten Öztürk has led the transformation in many areas in Turkey with the social responsibility projects she has led and contributed to the development of the fuel sector in the country.
Making the toilets of gas stations hygienic and clean stopover points with the Clean Toilet campaign, Öztürk initiated a nationwide transformation in the toilets of gas stations in Turkey. Besides being the thought leader of this project, Öztürk, takes part in the project herself, has traveled 75 provinces throughout the country, and has covered more than 9.5 million km by providing approximately 7000 hours of training.
With Traffic Detectives Project, raised public awareness about safe driving and the use of seat belts, and pioneered the employment of women at fuel stations with the Women's Power project.
Öztürk provided a transformation in the Çanakkale-Gallibolu region with the Respect for History Project, aimed to re-develop the villages affected by the forest fires with the Respect for Nature project. Örnekköy, Green Road, Our Business is Clean and Clean Future Starts with Schools projects are all nation-wide social transformation projects Ms.Öztürk led.
Öztürk provides the first trainings by herself in all social responsibility projects and takes an active role in the projects.
- If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominated individual's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 250 words used.
Nurten Öztürk is a significant role model for women to take part in business life in Turkey. She also contributes to the encouragement of Turkish women by sharing her experiences and life story on different platforms, and develops projects to enable women to take more part in business life. Nurten Öztürk has touched more than 20 million people with OPET Social Responsibility Projects.
Öztürk, who has been deemed worthy of more than 200 awards in her career, has been honoured the prestigious "Outstanding Service Award" given by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey(TBMM) to individuals and companies providing gratuitous service for the benefit of the country. Öztürk has been invited to UNESCO to present the Respect for History Project.
Nurten Öztürk, with her OPET Social Responsibility studies and her individual contribution and success;
-Ranked 2nd in Fortune Magazine's 2020 Top 50 Businesswomen List, ranking above many large holding managers in Turkey.
-ranked 10th in the list of “30 Women Who Shaped the Business World” in BusinessLife Magazine.
-Selected as "Inspiring Women of the Year" by BrandAge.
-ranked 15th in Capital Magazine's 30 Inspiring Women List.
-ranked 12th in Capital Magazine's 30 Most Influential Business Women List.
-selected among the 11 women leaders in Turkey who made a difference in the Women Making a Difference list organized by Advertising Age. At the same time, Öztürk was awarded the "Lifetime Honor Award" by Mediacat.
-selected “Entrepreneur Woman of the Last 10 Years” and also “Mother of the Year” by Van 100thYear University.
- You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 149 words used.
Apx1- Video: OPET’s Foundation Story
Nurten Öztürk tells her career story and the founding story of OPET in the program "Back Seat" broadcast on NTV.
Apx2-Video: The Story of the Clean Toilet Campaign
Nurten Öztürk tells the emergence story of the Clean Toilet campaign, in which she invested more than 100 million TL
Apx3-Video: Nurten Öztürk Leadership Approach
Nurten Öztürk explains her leadership approach to an experienced journalist Sedef Kabaş.
Apx4-Video: Nurten Öztürk UNESCO Speech
Apx5-Document PDF: Summary of OPET Social Responsibility Projects
Apx6-Document PDF: Summary of Clean Toilet and Green Road Projects
Apx7- Website: Nurten Ozturk
Nurten Öztürk's photography portfolio can be accessed on her personal website. Although the website is prepared in Turkish, the works of Nurten Öztürk in different categories can be examined by clicking the "Gallery" tab above.
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