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LLYC, Madrid, Spain: StepbyWater

Company: LLYC, Madrid, Spain
Company Description: LLYC, Llorente y Cuenca is a global digital marketing, communications consulting and public affairs firm. It was founded in Madrid in 1995 by José Antonio Llorente. Today it has 610 consultants spread across 16 offices in the 13 countries in which it is present.
Nomination Category: Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Digital Creativity
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: StepbyWater
  1. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this first question: Specify the date on which this campaign or program was launched:

    September 25, 2023 to October 9, 2023.

  2. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated campaign or program, OR written answers to the questions for this category? CHOOSE ONE:
    Written answers to the questions
  3. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.


  4. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this second question: Describe the genesis of the nominated campaign or program: the reasons it was initiated, the challenges it was created to address, the problems it was developed to solve, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 159 words used.

    Spain has lost 70% of its original wetlands in recent years and is suffering the most severe drought in Europe. In fact, the year 2023 was the driest year in its history. Despite this and the poor forecasts, decision-makers, which include politicians and  institutions and corporations, still don't see drought as a real problem and do not agree on the solutions to be taken to alleviate the situation which is leading us to inaction. 

    Moreover, society has become indifferent to climate change. Cracks, dry land, empty swamps and increasingly visible lagoons and wetland bottoms can already be seen in nature. However, they were not creating the desired effect because unfortunately, we are used to seeing them. 

    That's why we decided to give these images some meaning by creating an emblematic large-scale artistic intervention with StepbyWater, an organization that works to address water scarcity caused by drought by seeking tangible solutions and generating commitment agreements with organizations and public entities.

  5. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this third question: Describe the development of the campaign or program: the planning process, the goal setting, the creative and media development, the scheduling, etc. (up to 250 words):

    Total 217 words used.

    For this action, we had a double objective: One one hand, to create an action capable of drawing society's attention to the problem of drought in Spain and on the other hand, to be capable of achieving strategic alliances with the largest number of organizations and public bodies to join StepbyWater and the commitment to actions to reduce water consumption. That's why we decided to do something undeniable that will reflect the urgency of taking action for water scarcity. 

    We created a large-scale artistic intervention in nature, also known as land-art, created by the international artist, Saype. The more than ten thousand square meters of surface piece of art involved months of planning and more than ten days of work in the lagoon. It shows hyper-realistic hands collecting the remaining water from a lagoon on the verge of disappearing in Calzada de Oropesa, Toledo (Spain) as a symbol of protection. A work that reminds us that taking care of the little water we have left is in everyone's hands.

    The result? A striking image whose duration depended on nature itself, as it was made of biodegradable dyes that would eventually disappear. An artistic work that ended indifference and spreaded our message: we can still take care of the little water we have left if we are united. 

  6. If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this fourth question: Outline the activities and concrete results of this campaign or program since the beginning of 2022. Even if your initiative started before 2022, limit your response to activities and results since the beginning of 2022 only (up to 250 words):

    Total 182 words used.

    The action made headlines in the country's major media and television stations, reaching millions of Spaniards. Focusing not only on the problem but also on the solution. And thanks to the action, StepbyWater increased the number of companies involved in the alliance, reaching the commitment of more than 30 organizations and public bodies with which they reached a common goal: to return more than ten billion liters to nature over the next three years. 

    The alliance managed to be perceived as the leading NGO focused on the water problem and is helping to bring drought back to the center of the public and political agenda. Shortly after the action, the President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, announced that the UN World Summit against Drought will be held in Barcelona in September 2024, after 11 years without being held and Step by Water will be invited as a speaker. In addition, the action has been selected as a finalist in the prestigious #GoODS awards that aim to recognize and support those innovative projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

  7. You have the option to reference here any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):