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Imerys, Paris, France: From 60+ Siloed Websites to One Harmonized Digital Ecosystem

Company: Imerys, Paris, France
Nomination Submitted by: Eleks Holding OÜ, Tallin, Estonia
Company Description: Imerys is a French multinational company which specialises in the production and processing of industrial minerals, offering high-value-added solutions to many different industries, ranging from process manufacturing to consumer goods. Imerys has operations in over 40 countries and over 16,000 employees.
Nomination Category: Website Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Metals & Mining
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: From 60+ Siloed Websites to One Harmonized Digital Ecosystem
  1. When was this site or blog first published?

    March 2022

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 194 words used. unified the company’s previously siloed multi-website experience (60+ websites, no consistent brand image and lead management) into a single customer-centric, user-friendly and sustainable digital offering. unifies the company’s market expertise into a comprehensive product catalogue that demonstrates value-add through enticing product stories and highlights sustainable solutions. The site spans 600+ pages of business & corporate content with a depth unique in the speciality minerals industry. features a flexible architecture and responsive design built in line with accessibility best practices. It has a simple and consistent structure with different navigation styles, multiple entry points to interconnected content, advanced document finder services, and a smart user-friendly contact form partially pre-filled based on user navigation. 

    With the new, the company was able to cement its exceptional market expertise, give its clients easy access to sustainable content and provide a premium experience across products, resulting in better customer satisfaction. 

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

    Imerys chose ELEKS, a global software development and technology consultancy firm, to design and develop the new The ELEKS team helped Imerys deliver a harmonised digital web portal in under a year, meeting Imerys’ time and budget goals. Alongside development and design, ELEKS’ experts assisted with content strategy development, setup of content governance and content migration.

Attachments/Videos/Links: From 60+ Siloed Websites to One Harmonized Digital Ecosystem