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IBM, Armonk, New York, United States: Agent Assist, IBM iERP EMEA Advisory Chatbot

Company: IBM, Armonk, NY, USA
Company Description: IBM is the hybrid cloud and AI technology and services company, focused on providing client value through a combination of technology and business expertise. IBM solutions draw from an industry-leading portfolio of capabilities in software, consulting services and a deep incumbency in mission-critical systems, all bolstered by one of the world’s leading research organizations.
Nomination Category: Technology Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Technical Support Solution - Computer Technologies
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Agent Assist, IBM iERP EMEA Advisory Chatbot
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length or a written essay of up to 650 words? Choose one:
    Essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing a written essay for this nomination, submit in this space an essay of up to 650 words describing the nominated Technical Support Solution since 1 January 2021:

    Total 640 words used.

    After analyzing our support data in 2021, we identified significant issues with long waiting times for basic and advisory questions raised by iERP users (iERP - integrated Enterprise Resource Planning - SAP based platform used by Quote to Cash teams for processing orders). This has placed a burden on iERP EMEA Super User team, as they have had to handle many simple questions and could not focus on more complex issues.

    To address these challenges, we proposed implementing chatbot technology, which would automate and eliminate the need for manual, repeatable efforts in responding to user inquiries. By doing so, we can greatly improve the speed at which we address these inquiries.

    Approach and solution:

    We worked throughout 2021 to create a chatbot by exploring various available technologies and building a management system to provide the chatbot with a corpus of over 2000 questions covering different areas of support and brands within the scope of the EMEA Super User team. The initial version of the Agent Assist (AA) chatbot was deployed in December 2021. The Agent Assist chatbot uses a cloud-based solution such as Red Hat, OpenShift, Kubernetes Services, and IBM Cloud, and incorporates AI technologies like Generic Propriety NLC (Natural Language Classifier) and ELT (Elastic Training), an AI machine learning model, and algorithm.

    Right from the moment of its deployment, the solution gained significant traction with its users. Our project achieved a significant improvement in the efficiency of our customer support operations. By the end of 2022, 90% of advisory questions that could be addressed by our Agent Assist application were being handled through that channel, with only 10% still being handled through our legacy Swifty system. This shift resulted in faster response times and increased customer satisfaction, as our customers were able to quickly get the assistance, they needed through our more effective Agent Assist application.

    In parallel, the chatbot was improving thanks to its learning corpus curated by the Super User community, enabling the solution to better understand inquiries and expanding its knowledge base to cover a wider range of topics.

    Innovative features cutting edge in digitalization:

    The Agent Assist chatbot, which is accessible via Slack or a web application, leverages the natural language and learning capabilities of Watson Services to answer user questions and provide quick support for simple issues.

    The project team has recently migrated to a new platform to take advantage of a wide range of advanced features, including Tuneable Auto Curation, which enables the team to configure the auto curation process with multiple passes to produce more accurate results. It is timesaving and improves the quality of the information presented to our customers.

    • us to gather and analyze a vast amount of data from the web. This feature enables our chatbot to provide more accurate and relevant answers to customers' inquiries.
    • continuously train and improve the performance of our chatbot, stay up to date with the latest trends and provide optimal assistance to customers.

    Generic Proprietor Training model is a new answering system that integrates a proprietary AI-based training model with specific machine learning algorithms. It provides predictive and suggestive functionality of the chatbot to improve overall efficiency.


    Thanks to the deployment and continuous enhancement of Agent Assist, our teams were able to save over 10,000 hours of waiting time in their business support cycle in 2022. This project enabled our professionals to speed up the support for transactions from IBM clients by one day, which was the standard waiting time for simple advisory queries before the deployment of Agent Assist. This has empowered the teams to be more self-sufficient when working with iERP, and at the same time, helped Agent Assist to continuously improve. Additionally, EMEA Super Users were able to focus their time on more complex tickets with faster resolution, thanks to the 23% reduction in Advisory tickets received year-on-year.

  4. In bullet-list form (up to 150 words), provide a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the chief achievements of the nominated Technical Support Solution since 1 January 2021:

    Total 145 words used.

    • In 2021, Quote to Cash teams using the integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (iERP) system faced significant issues with long waiting times for basic and advisory questions.
    • To address this, the iERP Super User Team developed chatbot technology called Agent Assist and deployed in December 2021
    • The chatbot uses cloud-based solutions and incorporates AI technologies like Natural Language Classifier (NLC) and Elastic Training (ELT).
    • By the end of 2022, 90% of advisory questions were addressed by Agent Assist, resulting in faster response times and increased customer satisfaction.
    • The chatbot continuously improves through its learning corpus and innovative features such as Tuneable Auto Curation, Advanced Web Crawling search capabilities, and Generic Proprietor Training model.
    • The deployment resulted in 10,000+ hours saved for users in 2022, with a 289% ROI. It made operations teams more self-sufficient and enabled EMEA Super Users to tackle complex tickets more quickly.
Agent Assist, IBM iERP EMEA Advisory Chatbot
URL Short presentation about the Agent Assist