Company: DanceSyndrome, UK Nomination Submitted by: Blackwellsbiz Company Description: Creating communities where everybody matters and has equality of opportunity to lead happy, healthy and purposeful lives contributing to society. Co-founded by Sue and Jen Blackwell after 10 years of searching offered no opportunities for Jen to fulfil her dreams to dance and contribute to society. Jen has an intellectual disability and is a role model of what's possible with the right support. Nomination Category: Thought Leadership Categories Nomination Sub Category: Thought Leader of The Year - Government or Non-Profit
Nomination Title: Sue Blackwell - Turning the World Upside Down
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Written answers to the questions
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- If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this first question: Briefly describe the nominated individual: history and past performance (up to 200 words):
Total 200 words used.
When Sue gave birth to Jen, after a textbook pregnancy, they became changemakers. 5 hours into becoming parents for the first time, they were labelled a disabled family. They were told Jen had Down’s syndrome and it would be best to put her in a home and forget her.
Sue labels herself as a shy reclusive introvert - “Jen has made me me. Jen required me to step up. If she wasn’t going to be able to be assertive for herself, I needed to advocate for her.”
Sue constantly asks questions, challenging professionals and systems which seem to be against her simple ambition for Jen to be included and accepted as the unique individual she is. Supporting Jen through mainstream school, they then spent ten years searching for the right opportunities and support, challenging the status quo to enable Jen to be a dance leader and feel she mattered, contributing to society.
Finding nothing, with no blueprint, knowledge or funding, they took a leap of faith creating DanceSyndrome in 2009. From 14 people with and without learning disabilities dancing and learning together the charity now supports thousands each year to find joy, friendship and opportunities to fulfil their potential.
- If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this second question: Outline the nominee's thought leadership achievements since 1 January 2022 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):
Total 248 words used.
Since being recognised as Charity Champions, Best Businesswomen Awards September 2022 Sue and Jen have been sharing their mission that everybody matters on bigger stages inspiring inclusion everywhere they go.
Sue and Jen became the first joint members of Royal Society of Arts after challenging the opportunity for people with learning disability to have their voice heard in this thought leading organisation.
Sue created in 2023 where she writes regularly about the importance of people with learning disabilities being listened to, respected and allowed to achieve their potential. They show what’s possible when people have the right support.
Daughter Jen received the British Empire Medal for her services to disabled people in June 2023 - a huge achievement for someone with a learning disability.
They headlined the Best Businesswomen Awards ceremony in 2023 opening up opportunities to be seen for the change they’ve made to lives and what’s possible when people are valued and able to explore their passions for life.
Sue gave a transformational InsteadTalk about Identity on global 360º platform. They took part in the international JoyFest production sharing what’s possible when you’re encouraged to confidently share the joy in your heart.
Sue was shortlisted for Disruptor for Good in the Northern Power Women Awards a huge achievement showcasing a pioneering, socially entrepreneurial third way in social care.
“Turning the World Upside Down” in The Secrets of Successful Women book, Sue shares their success by respecting human rights, listening, creating opportunities and supporting aspirations.
- If you are providing written answers to the questions for this category, you must answer this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominee's past performance (up to 250 words):
Total 250 words used.
Written off at birth by professionals, Sue has constantly challenged opportunities for Jen to develop, learn and explore living the life of her choosing in the same way as those without an intellectual disability. When the norm is for people like Jen to be hidden away from society, Sue and husband Malcolm wanted Jen to be treated like any other human being, able to pursue her dreams.
Sue says, “I’m simply a Mum doing her best for both my children,” yet there are very few people with a learning disability who are recognized as being leaders. Jen has been listed on the Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 List 3 times. Jen was listed as an f:Entrepreneur in 2022 none of which would have been possible without Sue’s vision that with the right support Jen, and others like her, can lead their own lives and be role models for others.
“If you really understand a person…working out whatever it is that gives a person joy,…meaning…they can bring a contribution to us all… Bringing joy is of immense value to others. We need more Jens.. their contribution really matters” Professor Chris Hatton
Sue with Jen are recognised as pioneering thought leaders for change, challenging social equity through innovative practice. They make a difference through workshops, performance and training programs, influencing and changing perceptions, creating opportunities through the art of the possible.
The complex empowering model they’ve developed rewards individuals and society. Together they make a difference, breaking the mould.
- You have the option to reference here any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):
Total 243 words used.
Disruptor for Good, Northern Power Women Awards 2024 nomination adds information about Sue and Jen’s 42 year thought leadership journey.
Conversation with Professor Chris Hatton, an expert in intellectual disabilities, understanding the roots and consequences of inequalities faced, and their impact. Recorded June 2023, shows Jen’s BEM award is most unusual for someone with a learning disability.
Charity Champion Best Businesswomen Awards 2022 – “DanceSyndrome is truly a beacon of light, hope and empowerment”
Sue’s first international stage, January 2024 at InsteadTalk – A Question of Identity
Sue shares, “We had got so used to rejection, to not being wanted or valued by organisations, colleges, dance schools, …. as we were demanding that Jen's human rights be met.” Born to Dance, Citizen Network, 2016
“My cultural norm has always resonated to equality of opportunity, inclusion in society, respect for each other, rights and responsibilities always existing hand in hand, marks for effort not achievement. As parents we have the same aspirations for both of our children.” DanceSyndrome; enabling diversity and leadership to flourish, CareTalk, 2020
Sue contributes her expertise to books Rights in Practice for People with a learning disability; Stories of Citizenship, and The Secrets of Successful Women 2024 and the highly respected Alex Fox book, Escaping the Invisible Assylum.
Mainstream media articles including Daily Mail and Yours highlight to incredible achievements Sue and Jen have accomplished.
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