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BANCO POPULAR DOMINICANO - Public Service Campaign of the Year

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2021, Click to Enter The 2022 International Business Awards

Company: BANCO POPULAR DOMINICANO, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Company Description: Banco Popular Dominicano is the first private equity bank in the Dominican Republic, leader in multiple banking and financial services in the country. It is the main company of Grupo Popular. Established in 1963, it opened its doors to the public in Santo Dominigo on January 2, 1964. It has about 200 branches and more than 700 ATMs throughout the national territory.
Nomination Category: Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Public Service

Nomination Title: "EL LADO POSITIVO" (The Positive Side) CAMPAIGN

Specify the date on which this campaign or program was launched:

"EL LADO POSITIVO" (The Positive Side) CAMPAIGNby Banco Popular Dominicano,was launched on December 31, 2021, and stayed on air through March 31, 2021.

The Pandemic year of 2020not only took a toll on health, economy,peace and the lifes of thousands of dominicans, it also took a huge toll on morale, hope and optimism to thisnation population conformed by over 11 million people.

At the time, and during 2020, Banco Popular Dominicano developed several support initiativesand provided significant funds to overcome the health crisis working very closely with the national authorities, but on the change of a year, and witha more clear horizon do tovaccines approval in late 2020, it was time to build and share a message of hope that could help to lift the country as a whole.

Numbers gathered bya survey made by United Nations agencies in the country on late 2020, reflected theeffects of the situation derived from COVID 19. Results showed thatover 15% of households presented signs of depression or anxiety, almost 7% mentioned increased domestic tension/violence and 83% lived in constant fear of getting sick.

So beyondallactions developed by the Bank to supporthealth services, vaccines acquisitions and flexibility measures taken to support their own clients, Banco Popular Dominicano decided to take an additionalstep and share a voice by developing a full campaign to lift the country spirit.

Dominicans are bright, enthusiastic,warmheartedand positive people, and the countrywas in need of amessage that would help them overcome this situation andsee beyond the crisis, a way to look at"The Positive Side".

Dominican Republic is home to unique musical genres such as"Merengue" and"Bachata", so music is part of our culture and runs deeply in our idiosyncrasy.Because of this, the creative approach was to use uplifting music and common local rhythms to connect with our audience,using this as a vehicle to carry out our message into the lyrics.

The campaign was established for a three months (13 weeks) period in order to reach a target audience of6,5million peoplethrough several media platforms including: TV (open and cable), radio, newspapers, social media andexternal advertising.

Our goal was to reach the national sentiment, as weembrace a public recognition to dominicansresilience and positive attitudetowards confronting challenges, based on the fact that everyday dominicans wake up very early to work hard and enthusiastically to build a better tomorrow for them, theirfamilies and their country.

This carried us to createa 1´:15¨TV commercialthat shows exactly that, an averageyoung dominican("bank employee"), that wakes up and starts his commute to work. Ashe travels, heisable to look atthe positive side of hiscountry, itspeople, and those small things that happens every day that makes us believe in a better tomorrow, traveling in a sustainable wayand getting to work with commitment and enthusiasm.

Along with the images and the music, the lyrics remindus precisely that, the positivesidewe can embrace as weturn challenges into opportunities.

With a centralpiece of 1´:15¨, different versions of 56¨and 30¨seconds were created for both, audioand video, in order to fit every communicationplatform. Duringthe campaign period (January - March) we surpassedour focused reach and created great coverage thatmaximized our impact:

-7,464 radio, 1202 open TV,and 905 cable spotswere aired
-You Tube: 17,105,792 impressions and5,241,090 views
Facebook: 8,429,872 impressions and 6,082,528 views
-Instagram: 2,629,821 impressions and169,202 views
-Spotify (1 month): 645,070 Impressions and 224,802 reached -The Jingle for the campaign had over 4Kdownloads.
-Overall28.1Million impressions and11.4Million Views
-Mentions in Social Media reached a 100% positive sentiment by the public
-During the campaign,ads were also published in nationwide press, billboards and external ads ( bus stops/street signs)
-"EL LADO POSITIVO" (The Positive Side) Campaign had a huge impact in public opinion and generated a total of 177 mentions indigitalmedia outlets, 21 in newspapers, 22TV news reports and 10 national coverage radio programs(see attachments), all of them with a very positive sentiment.
-The Commercial Communications CompaniesAssociation andFACTOR DE EXITO Magazine, one of the most prestigious nationwide, awarded"EL LADO POSITIVO" campaign with the gold medal on their “Tribune Award" corresponding to its#26 edition.

Please find attached several links and materials about this campaign, we hopeits message will resonate with you, and hopefully, it will also leave you with an inspiring message about looking forward with confidenceat the challenge we all have, tobuilda better tomorrow despite the setbackthat as humanity, we have all confronted becauseof COVID19.Lets all see"the positive side" .

Take a look :
Videos (Long and short versions)
Campaign pieces and media arts summary
Campaign Manifesto (spanish and english translation)
Links to Media coverage

Thank You and Stay Safe!