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Bahrain National Gas Company - Executive of the Year - Energy

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2021, Click to Enter The 2022 International Business Awards

Company: Bahrain National Gas Company (B.S.C.)
Company Description: Bahrain National Gas Company (Banagas) was established in 1979 to process associated gas from Bahrain's oil field into marketable products (Propane, Butane and Naptha and supply residue gas for local industrial use) managed by 80% local work force. Banagas is operating three Central Gas Plants (CGP): CGP-I (75%-government/12.5% Chevron/12.5% Boubyan) CGP-II and CGP-III (both 100%-government)
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Executive of the Year - Energy

Nomination Title: Dr. Mohamed Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive

Dr. Al Khalifa, Chief Executive of Bahrain National Gas Company (B.S.C.) known as Banagas, is engaged with oil & gas sector since the last 42 years.

Dr. AlKhalifa has served and is still serving on a number of prestigious boards and committees as follow

Founder and Chairman Gas Processors Association(GPA) Gulf Cooperation Council Chapter until 2007
Member of National Oil and Gas Authority(NOGA) until July 2009
Founder member of Bahrain Management Society
Former member of Bahrain Competitiveness Council(BCC).
Chairman of Joint Committee for Major Companies (formed and represented by 10 major companies of Bahrain) since 2008
Serving member of Bahrain University Council and International Solar and Alternative Energy Association(ISEA).
Chairman of Global HSE Governing Council 2020

Dr. AlKhalifa, in recognition of his commitment to the highest standards of safety, health and environmental protection, received prestigious award from British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents(RoSPA) in 2019 as “RoSPA Awards Ambassador”. Moreover during 2021, Banagas was declared “Overall Country Winner-Kingdom of Bahrain” by British Safety Council, under his leadership. His guidance was instrumental for the Company in achieving 7,094,183 million man-hours as of May 2021 without lost time accident since August 2014.

Dr. AlKhalifa’s unending commitment to ensuring highest standards of occupational health, safety and environment is well demonstrated by awards received from the following prestigious bodies besides having achieved ISO45001:2018 and ISO14001:2015 certifications:


Awarding Body


The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents–UK

Yearly since 1981

British Safety Council–UK

Yearly since 2011

Gas Processors Association–U.S.A

Yearlysince 1983

National Safety Council–U.S.A

Yearlysince 1984

French “Otherways Association”,Germany


Stevie Award

2013, 2015 and 2019

Commitment to contributing to Bahrain’s sustainable future through training and developing national workforce to assume positions of responsibility is one of his highest priorities that has crystallized into 80% Bahrainization.

From 2019 to 2021, he ensured to train 2,961 employees at a budget of USD2,781,456 despite market problems. He provided students from government schools, universities and research centers the opportunity for on-the-job training in the Company and financial support for education amounting to USD33,481 wherein 98 students benefitted.

Supporting national efforts to fight Covid-19, Dr. AlKhalifa donated USD1,000,000 to Royal Humanitarian Foundation. He played a pivotal role in implementing Business Continuity Plan to respond to probable threats of business discontinuity resulting from probable manpower loss due to Covid-19. He personally supervised formation of Covid-19 Working Team, awareness campaigns and Work-From-Home policy. Upon his guidance, free accommodation and meals were provided to contract-staffs who did not have enough living space to maintain physical distancing and ensuring proper & supervised quality health care were implemented.

During Covid-19 pandemic, no employees were laid off, salaries and benefits were given in full.

Dr. AlKhalifa is a national role-model in supporting the community having continuously provided generous funding towards community projects as part of company’s social responsibility policy. USD13,108,089 was spent on CSR projects from 2019 to date that includes charitable trusts, ministries, societies for special needs/disabled, and wildlife preservation.

45 children of Banagas employees were sponsored under “Employees’ Children Scholarship Program” for the period 2019-2021 having a budget allocation of USD424,689.

To encourage employees to improve their communication skills, Dr. AlKhalifa supported Toastmasters Club wherein USD5,165 was provided for its activities.

Under his patronage, zero-interest loans amounting to USD3,376,545 Million, were granted to 147 employees. The loan, besides being interest-free, offers subsidy on repayment.

Employees and their families benefitted from Banagas’ comprehensive health care program and medical assistance funded with USD4,888,010 (Y2019-Y2021).

Lastly, Dr. AlKhalifa is a winner of 2013, 2015 and 2019 Gold Stevie Award under the 'Executive of the Year–Energy' category.He captured his long, rich and diverse management experience in the book“Advancing the Role of Executive Management” that he authored and published in 2018.


Dr. AlKhalifa’s notable achievements are:

-Chosen as “RoSPA Awards Ambassador/2019” and Banagas was declared “Overall Country Winner-Kingdom of Bahrain/2021” by British Safety Council under his leadership.
-Over 326 courses provided to 2,961 employees.
-98 students from government schools/universities underwent on-the-job training in Banagas and received USD33,481 financial education support.
-Developed measures to respond to probable threats in business against Covid-19.
-No employees were laid off, salaries were full, and compensation & benefits are fully maintained despite Covid-19 situation.
-As CSR commitment, USD13,108,089 were provided to fund/support community projects including USD1,000,000 donation to Royal Humanitarian Foundation to combat Covid-19.
-45 children of employees got scholarship under “Employees’ Children Scholarship Program”.
-Employees and families benefitted from comprehensive health care program funded with USD4,888,010.
-Zero-interest loans amounting to USD3,376,545 Million were granted to 147 employees.
-Authored book “Advancing the Role of Executive Management”